RSCDS Twin Cities Branch 31st Annual Grand Ball Weekend
9-11 March 2007

We are pleased to be featuring nationally known fiddler Anne Hooper, who will be joining forces with Thistledown to provide live music for the ball. Anne will also be offering a music workshop on Saturday afternoon and playing a concert on Sunday.

Schedule | Registration | Ticket Auction | Accommodations | Contact | Program

Schedule of Events:
Friday, 9 March
7:30 to 9:30 pm, Tapestry Folkdance Center
Contact Eric Dam (edam523 [at] or Bonny McIntyre (abonnyscot [at] if you would like to perform a ceilidh act.
There will also be an opportunity to preview items that will be sold in Saturday night's Ticket Auction.
Saturday, 10 March
Ball Practice 10am to 12noon
Southwest Center - Volunteers of America of Minnesota
3612 Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis
Music Workshop with Anne Hooper 1:00 to 2:30pm
Southwest Center - Volunteers of America of Minnesota
3612 Bryant Avenue South, Minneapolis

We are pleased to be offer a short workshop for musicians interested in learning more about how to play for Scottish country dancing. The workshop will focus on the techniques used to make the music feel more danceable and sound Scottish. All instruments are welcome. Music will be taught by ear with printed music available at the end to take home.

Grand Ball
with music by Anne Hooper (fiddle) and Thistledown
The Klub Haus, 1079 Rice Street, St. Paul
(4 blocks south of Maryland Ave)
5:30 pm -- Reception
6:00 pm -- Dinner
7:00 pm -- Grand March and Dancing [program]

There will be a Ticket Auction as a fundraiser to subsidize the cost of the ball weekend.

After-Glow Party Daniel Grundtner will host an after-glow party immediately following the ball at his home in St. Paul. Please bring food or drink share. Directions available at the ball
Sunday, 11 March
by Anne Hooper, fiddle, accompanied by Sherry Ladig, piano

Parlor of Olivet Congregational Church, 1850 Iglehart, St. Paul

We are very excited to have fiddler Anne Hooper playing with Thistledown for our Ball this year! Anne and Sherry have graciously agreed to donate their skills and time in a fund-raising concert. This is also a wonderful opportunity for those not attending the Ball to enjoy the music of a top-notch Scottish fiddler, so please invite your music-loving family and friends and neighbors.


Grand Ball:

Dinner and Dancing -- $40.00
Dancing Only (no dinner) -- $25.00
Dinner Only (non-dancer) -- $30.00

Music Workshop with Anne Hooper -- $15.00
Concert with Anne Hooper and Sherry Ladig -- $12.00

Dinner on Saturday night will be a buffet catered by Chowgirls and will include a vegetarian entree.

»A printable registration form is available online.
Registration deadline is March 2nd.

Ball registrar: John Shackleton, e-mail: john.j.shackleton [at]

Ticket Auction:

We will be holding a "Ticket Auction" to help cover the costs of the Ball Weekend.

What's a Ticket Auction? In this type of auction you purchase tickets ($1 each or 6 for $5) and place the tickets in the bidding box in front of the items you wish to win. You can increase your chances by placing more tickets for a specific item, or spread them across multiple items. The winning bid for each item will be drawn during the interval at Saturday's Ball.

We need new quality items for the auction, preferably with a Scottish connection, e.g., a nice bottle of Scotch, a hand-knit shawl, etc. Contact Eric Salo (salo [at] make a donation.


Hospitality is available for out of town guests in the homes of local dancers. Indicate your interest on the registration form or contact the ball registrar for information.


Lara Friedman-Shedlov, Ball Co-chair, e-mail: ldfs [at]
Jim Morehouse, Ball Co-Chair, e-mail: jmorehouse01 [at]
John Shackleton, Ball Registrar/Hospitality Coordinator, e-mail: john.j.shackleton [at]

Grand Ball Program:

Scotland's Gardens 32 R 3C Goldring
Button Boy 32 R 3C Zobel
S-Locomotion 32 S 4C RSCDS 41
Black Leather Jig 32 R 3C Delaware Valley Silver
Blue Bonnets 32 J 2C RSCDS 3
1314 64S+64R 4Csq Drewry/Rondel
Tattie Bogle 32 J 3C Carnforth 1
Autumn Wind 32 S 3C Friedman~Shedlov
Montgomeries' Rant 32 R 3C RSCDS 10
Wild Geese 32 J 3C RSCDS 24
Miss Catherine Allen 32 S 3C RSCDS Leaflet
College Hornpipe 32 H 3C RSCDS 20
Miller of Sessnie 32 J 5C Goldring/15 Social
Aberdeen Hunt 32 S 3C Wallace
Falls of Rogie 32 R 3C Alexander
Dundee Whaler 32 S 4C Ormskirk
Wind that Shakes the Barley 32 R 3C Duthie/8 SCD

Scotland's Gardens
32 R 3C Goldring
1-8 All dance parallel reel of 3 on the sides, 1C and 2C passing RS to begin.
9-12 1W and 2W and at the same time 1M and 2M turn RH 1 1/2, 1M finish facing out.
13-16 1M, followed by 1W, chase out the men's side, to the right, and in through the top of the set to finish 1M between 3C, 1W between 2C in lines of 3 across, all facing down.
17-24 In lines of 3, all dance down the middle and up, turning over RS to change directions at the bottom. Finish with the two lines of 3 facing each other.
25-32 All set in lines of 3 across. 1C petronella turn to 2nd place on opposite sides. All set on the sidelines. 1C cross RH to own sides in 2nd place.

The Button Boy
32 R 3C Zobel/Allanton
1-8 1C,2C,3C dance mirror reels of 3 on the sides (1C dance in and down to start).
9-16 1C cross down into mirror reels of 3 on the opposite sides. 2C finish in 1st place. 1C finish back-to-back facing opposite sides ready for ...
17-24 2C,1C,3C dance double triangles. 1C finish in the middle of the set, nearer hands joined, facing down (still on opposite sides).
25-32 1C dance down the middle, change sides (1W turns under 1M’s arm) to face up, 1C dance up to 2nd place.

32 S 4C RSCDS 41
1-4 1W and 2W cross passing partner LS and cast down 2 places as 3M and 4M cross and cast up 2 places.
5-8 Top 4 Men and at the same time bottom 4 women dance LH across.
9-12 1M and 2M cross passing opposite dancer RS and cast down 2 places as 3W and 4W cross and cast up 2 places.
13-16 Top 2 couple and at the same time bottom 2 couples dance RH across.
17-20 3C,4C,1C,2C dance half reels of 4 on sides.
21-24 1C, 4C,3C (bottom 3 couples) dance half reels of 3 on sides.
25-28 All set, cross RH.
29-32 2C with 3C, 4C with 1C circle 4 hands round to left.

The Black Leather Jig
32 R 3C Delaware Valley Silver
1-8 1C set, turn RH, cast 1 place and turn LH 3/4 to finish 1M between 2C facing 2M, 1W between 3C facing 3W.
9-16 LS reels of 3 across the set, 1C quickly turning LH at the end to switch reels.
17-24 LS reels of 3 across the set (1W with 2C & 1M with 3C). At the end, 1C pass RS to face 1st corners.
25-32 Interrupted Hello-Goodbye Setting:
1-2     1C set to 1st corner, pulling back RS on 2nd pas de Basque to finish in 2nd place on partner's side.
3-4    1C turn 3/4 RH to face 2nd corner.
5-6    1C set to 2nd corner, pulling back RS on 2nd pas de Basque to finish 1M between 2C facing down, 1W between 3C facing up.
7-8    1C turn 3/4 RH to 2nd place on own side.

Blue Bonnets

32 J 2C RSCDS 3
1-8 1W & 2M advance & retire, then dance back-to-back.
9-16 1M & 2W repeat bars 1-8.
17-24 1C down the middle and up.
25-32 1C & 2C poussette.

64S+64R 4C square Drewry/Rondel
1-8 All dance interlocking Reels of 4
9-14 1C & 3C turn RH (2 bars), and promenade CW to opposite places (4 bars) while 2C & 4C petronella turn, set, and petronella turn to partner’s place.
15-16 1C & 3C RH across halfway while 2C & 4C change places RH with partner, all finishing in original places
17-24 Repeat bars 9-16 with 2C & 4C promenading while 1C & 3C petronella turn.
25-32 All circle 8 hands round & back.
33-40 All set to and turn partner RH; set to and turn corner LH. All finish next to partner, women facing out.
41-56 Schiehallion Reel
57-64 All turn partner RH, corner LH, partner RH, corner LH
1-64 Repeat bars 1-56 of the strathspey in reel time. On bars 57-64, birl RH with partner.

The Tattie Bogle
32 J 3C Carnforth 1
1-4 1C set, cross down RH to 2nd place on partner's side, 1W making long R turn (2C step up on bars 3-4).
5-8 1C set and turn LH to face 1st corners.
9-16 1C set to 1st corners, turn 1st corners RH once round ; then dance a half diagonal Reel of 4 with them to finish (1C passing LS) facing 2nd corners.
17-24 1C repeats bars 9-16 with 2nd corners and finish by passing LS into...
25-28 1C repeats bars 9-16 with 2nd corners and finish by passing LS into...
29-32 All chase CW halfway.

Autumn Wind
32 S3C Friedman~Shedlov
1-4 1C and 2C set and link. 2W finish facing out.
5-8 1C turn RH 1-1/2 while 2C and 3C chase CW halfway around the set. Finish in the order 3C, 1C, 2C, all on opposite side.
9-14 Taking hands on the sidelines, men advance for 2 bars, retire for 2 bars, and set while women set, advance for 2 bars, and retire for 2 bars.
15-16 All turn RH with partner finishing in the middle ready for . . .
17-24 3-couple allemande. On bars 23-24, 1C SET ADVANCING to finish facing 1st corners.
25-32 Dance corners pass and turn (Corners turn each other with both hands).

The Montgomeries' Rant
32 R 3C RSCDS 10
1-8 1C cross RH, cast one place, cross LH. 1W casts up round 2W while 1M casts down round 3M.
9-16 2C,1W and 3C,1M dance reels of 3 across the dance, finishing with 1C in the middle facing 2W, with 1M on 1W’s right and nearer hands joined.
17-24 1C set to 2W and, turning towards each other, change hands and face 3M. 1C set to 3M and veer left to set to 3W. 1C turning towards each other change hands and set to 2M.
25-32 1C dance 6-bar reels of 3 on partner's side, 1C beginning by passing 2nd corners RS. On bars 31-32, 1C cross RH to own sides in 2nd place.

Wild Geese
8x32 J 3C RSCDS 24
1-4 1C and 3C set advancing for 2 bars, then balance in a zig-zag line for 2 bars.
5-8 1C turn RH and cast off to 3rd place while 3C turn RH and lead up to 1st place.
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 with roles reversed to end in original positions.
17-24 1C down the middle and up to end in 2nd place. (2C step up on 19-20)
25-32 1C & 2C dance rights and lefts.

Miss Catherine Allan
32 S 2C RSCDS Leaflet
1-4 1C lead down, cross below 3C, and cast up to 2nd place (2C step up on bars 3-4)
5-8 1C turn BH 1-1/2 while 2C and 3C turn BH once round.
9-16 1C dance up for 2 bars, set to each other, dance down for 2 bars, and turn BH finish facing 1st corners.
17-24 1C set to 1st corners, dance around each other by RS (gypsy turn) to face 2nd corners; set to 2nd corners, and dance around each other by RS (gypsy turn) to finish 1W facing up, 1M facing down.
25-30 Reels of 3 across: 2C and 3C dance a continuous 6-bar reel of 3 across the set. 1C dance half a reel with each couple, giving RS to partner's 2nd corner to begin the 1st half reel (1W with the 2C, 1M with the 3C) and RS to own 2nd corner position to begin the 2nd half reel with the other couple (1M with 2C, 1W with 3C). 1C essentially dances a big loop.
31-32 1C cross RH to own sides, 2nd place.

The College Hornpipe

32 H 3C RSCDS 20
1-8 1C,2C,3C circle 6 hands round and back.
9-16 1C,2C,3C promenade.
17-24 1C cross RH, cast one place, cross LH, cast off one place and lead up to face 1st corners.
25-32 1C set to corners and partner (hello-goodbye setting), 1C clapping and turn to own sidelines in 2nd place on bars 31-32.

The Miller of Sessnie
32 J 5C Goldring/15 Social Dances
1-8 1C with 2C,3C,4C following dance down between 5C and cast up to places.
9-16 1C (start inwards) dance a fig. of 8 on own side round 2C & 3C while 5C (start outwards, no cast) dance a fig. of 8 on own side round 4C & 3C.
17-20 1C,2C RH across, 2C finish facing out.
21-24 1C cross down as 2C dance up on sides. 1C,3C mirror half turns to change places on the sides (1W and 3M and LH, 1M and 3W use RH).
25-28 1C,4C LH across, 4C finish facing out.
29-32 1C cross down as 4C dance up on sides . 1C,5C mirror half turns to change places on the sides (women RH, men LH).

Aberdeen Hunt
32 S 3C R. Wallace
1-8 1C, 2C dance the tourbillon to change places and finish facing partner.
9-16 RS half reels of 3 on the sides, followed by LS half reels of 3 across 1W up and 1M down. 2C and 3C loop the long way to enter the 2nd half reel. 1C finish by passing LS to face partner’s 1st corner position.
17-24 "Set and swirl with 1st corners:"
1-2    1C set to corner person
3-4    The dancers who are back-to-back in the middle (1C) cast over RS to the corner position behind them while the dancers in 1st corners positions dance in and turn over RS to face the position they just came from
5-6    1C and 1st corners set to each other
7-8    The dancers who are back-to-back in the middle (1st corners) cast over RS to the corner position behind them while the dancers in the 1st corner positions (1C) dance in to the middle and turn over RS to face partner's 2nd corner position.
25-32 1C repeat bars 17-24 with 2nd corners. On bars 31-32, 1C pass RS to 2nd place on own sides.

The Falls of Rogie
32 R 3C Alexander
1-8 1C cross RH, cast 1 place, cross RH, and cast to the right (Man up woman down) and finish 1M between 2C facing 2W, 1W between 3C facing 3M.
9-12 1C dance half reels of 3 across (1M with 2C and 1W with 3C.
13-16 All set in lines across and change places RH with opposite person.
17-20 2C, 1C, 3C chase CW.
21-24 2C,3C continue to chase CW back to places as in bar 16 while 1C turn RH to finish facing 1st corner positions.
29-32 1C dance a half reel of 4 with 1st corners, passing RS dance a half reel of 4 with 2nd corners & cross passing RS to 2nd place on own sides.

The Dundee Whaler
32 S 4C Ormskirk
1-8 2C,4C dance the petronella figure to finish on partner's side.
9-16 1C with 2C, 3C with 4C dance ladies' chains across the set.
17-24 1C,3C dance the petronella figure to finish on partner's side.
25-32 1W with 2M cross LH.
1M with 2W and 1W with 3M cross RH.
1M with 3W and 1W with 4M cross LH.
1M with 4W cross RH.
(No polite turns)

The Wind that Shakes the Barley
32 R 3C Duthie/8 SCD
1-8 1C lead down for 3 steps, up for 3, and cast into 2nd place on own sides.
9-16 RS reels of 3 across, 1M with 2C, 1W with 3C. At the end, 1C pass LS to face 1st corners.
17-24 1C turn corner, partner, corner, partner finishing in 2nd place on own sides.
25-32 All circle 6 hands round & back.

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© 2007 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society - Twin Cities Branch
Last updated 27 February 2007 | Branch Webmaster: Lara Friedman~Shedlov ldfs [at]