Time: |
2:00 p.m. -- Grand March and Dancing 5:30 p.m. -- Dinner 7:00 p.m. -- Ceilidh |
Place: | Medina Ballroom 500 Highway 55, Medina, MN (about 20 minutes drive west of downtown Minneapolis). |
Music: | Thistledown: Anne Benson (flute, hammer dulcimer, and accordian), Sherry Ladig (piano), Pat O'Loughlin (concertina), and Ken Steffenson (fiddle and assorted other stringed instruments) |
Tickets: | Dancing, Dinner, and Ceilidh -- $38.00 Dinner + 3 Dances and Ceilidh only -- $30.00 Dancing only -- $25.00 Ceilidh only -- $10.00 A registration form is available online. For information contact the Annual Ball Chair, Jami Young: jami.young@usbank.com |
Accommodations: | Hospitality is available for out of town
guests in the homes of local dancers.
Alternately, accomodation is available at the Medina Inn hotel, adjoining the Medina Ballroom. We have reserved a block of non-smoking rooms at the following rates: |
Other Activities: | A walk-through/ball practice will take place
on the day of the ball from 10 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. at Sabathani Community Center, located at 310 E. 38th Street (about 1 mile west of Tapestry, at the corner of 38th Street and 3rd Avenue), in the 2nd floor gym and dance studio. Dancers will have a choice of two concurrent walkthrough sessions: One will focus on the most difficult dances on the program, and the other will focus on the easier dances on the program. There will be a ceilidh after dinner at the Medina Ballroom. Please contribute a song, poem, dance, skit, or other act. There will be opportunities to do a few more Scottish country dances, and there will be munchies. Bring your extra cash, because as a fund-raiser for the branch, there will be a silent auction and raffle during the ceilidh. There will be a potluck brunch on Sunday morning at
the home of Janet and Stuart McKernan. Directions will be provided at
the ball. |
NOTE: Updated 9 Sep 2015 to clarify that the dance referred to "Belfast Hornpipe," was not the dance written by Wes Clindinning, but a variation created by Mel Briscoe and later named "Wes Clindinning's Hornpipe."
Waltz and Be Welcome | 4x48 W | 20 Years 20 Dances |
Mrs Stewart's Jig | 8x32 J | RSCDS 35 |
Shores of Solway | 8x32 S | Goldring/10 Social |
Swiss Lassie | 8x32 R | RSCDS 39 |
Spreading the Soul of Scotland | 4x32 S | Boehmer/Cameo |
[Altered version of Wes Clindinning's] Belfast Hornpipe [Later named "Wes Clindinning's Hornpipe"] | 3x32 H | [M. Briscoe] |
~~Interval~~ | ||
Chequered Court | 8x32 J | RSCDS 42 |
Lady McGowan's Dream | 6x32 S | Bicentennial |
De'il Amang the Tailors | 8x40 J | RSCDS 14 |
Culla Bay | 4x32 S | RSCDS 41 |
Blue Bonnets | 8x32 J | RSCDS 3 |
~~Interval~~ | ||
MacPherson's Jig | 3x32 J | Bestwick Rannoch |
Trip to Bavaria | 4x32 R | MacGregor Brown |
Neidpath Castle | 3x32 S | RSCDS 22 |
Duke of Perth | 8x32 R | RSCDS 1 |
48 W | Couple facing Couple | 20 Years 20 Dances |
2 chords: bow to opposite, bow to partner | ||
1-4 | Nearer hands joined with partner, balance forward and back. Dropping hands, waltz two steps turning over outside shoulder to loop around and finish back in the same position. | |
5-8 | Joining nearer hands with opposite, repeat bars 1-4. | |
9-24 | BH joined with partner, balance forward and back (2 bars). Change places with partner, the man passing the women in front under his right arm to his place as he waltzes to her place (2 bars). Repeat with opposite and partner around to places. | |
25-32 | Joining hands in a circle of 4, balance forward and back twice. Waltz back to back with partner. | |
33-40 | Repeat bars 25-32 dancing back to back with opposite. | |
41-48 | All waltz petronella turn to the right to form a line facing opposite (women on the ends with men back to back in center). With both hands joined, balance forward and back twice. Waltz out to the right, rejoining partner to face new couple. |
32 J | 3C | RSCDS 35 |
1-8 | 1C set and then 1W, followed by her partner, cast off below 3C. 1W dances up behind the men's line while 1M dance up the middle to finish in 2nd place on partner's side, facing down. 2C steps up on bars 7-8. | |
9-16 | 2C, 1C, 3C Grand Chain. 2M & 1M omit the polite turn to finish facing out. | |
17-24 | 2C & 1C Ladies' Chain. | |
25-32 | 2C, 1C, 3C advance and retire. 1C turn RH 1 ½ to finish on own sides in 2nd place. |
32 S | 3C | Goldring/10 Social Dances |
1-4 | 1C dance in toward each other and cast to 3rd place. 2C & 3C step up on 3-4. | |
5-8 | 2C repeat bars 1-4. | |
9-16 | 3C, 1C, 2C dance The Knot. 1C finish facing 1st corners. | |
17-24 | 1C set to 1st corners then dance round each other by RS to face 2nd corner; repeat with second corners to finish on own side in 2nd place. | |
25-32 | 2C, 1C, 3C circle 6 hands round and back. |
32 R | 3C | RSCDS 39 |
1-4 | 1C cast off two places dancing in towards each other to begin. 2C & 3C step up on bars 3-4. | |
5-8 | 2C, 1C turn RH 1 ¼ to form a line down the middle of the set with men facing down, women up. | |
9-16 | 2C & 1C dance a reel of four up and down the middle of the set. 2M finishes facing the women’s side, 1W finishes facing the men’s side. | |
17-20 | 2M, followed by partner, dance down behind 3W and into third place on own sides. Meanwhile 1W followed partner dance up behind 3M to finish in original places. | |
21-24 | 1C, 3C, 2C advance and retire. | |
25-32 | Bottom two couples (3C & 2C) cross RH with partner and retain hands to flow into RH across halfway. Top two couples (1C & 2C) repeat. |
32 S | 4C | The Cameo Collection, Book XXIII |
1-8 | 1C, in promenade hold, reel of 3 with 2M & 3M, dancing down between them to start; while 4C, in promenade hold, reel of 3 with 2W & 3W, dancing up between them to start. 1C and 4C finish at center top and bottom respectively. | |
9-16 | 1C, 4C repeat the reel of 3 on opposite sides, finishing with 1C dancing down to face out men’s side, back to back with 4C, who dance up to face out to women’s side. 2C and 3C finish the reels in 1st and 4th places, respectively. | |
17-24 | All advance and retire (2 bars), 1C
and 4C facing out with nearer hands joined, while corners (2C & 3C)
face in. 1C and 4C chase clockwise halfway round in the middle of the set
to face opposite sides (2 bars). All repeat the advance and retire (2 bars). 1C and 4C chase clockwise ¼ way round to finish in the middle of the set ready to flow into: |
25-32 | 1C & 4C dance RH hands across and LH back, while 2C and 3C chase clockwise once around the set, all finishing on own sides in order 2C, 4C, 1C, 3C. |
32 H | 3C set | Briscoe |
1-4 | 1C turn RH halfway, then dance away from each other pulling RS back to curve into partner's place. | |
5-16 | 2C repeat bars 1-4. 3C repeat bars 1-4. 1C, 2C, 3C, repeat bars 1-4 to finish in original places. | |
17-24 | 1C slip down the middle and up, finishing facing down with nearer hands joined. | |
25-32 | 1M with 2M, 1W with 2W dance mirror turns 1 1/2 to change places, 1C using the outside hand/dancing through the middle of the set to begin (4 bars). Using opposite hand, 1M with 3M, 1W with 3W dance mirror turns 1 1/2 to change places, 1C finishing in 3rd place. |
32 J | 3C | RSCDS 42 |
1-4 | 1C cross RH and cast to 2nd place. 2C step up on bars 3-4. | |
5-8 | 1W dance a half figure 8 around 3C while 1M dances a half figure 8 round 2C. 1C pass LS to finish facing first corners. | |
9-12 | 1C dance the path of corners pass and turn, but on bar 12, pull back RS to finish back to back in the middle, 1W facing up and 1M facing down. 1st corners dance normal corners pass & turn, i.e. pass 1C right shoulder, turn each other RH, and dance back to places. | |
13-16 | 1C and partner's 2nd corner repeat bars 9-12. On bar 16, 1C pull back RS to finish back to back in the middle in 2nd place, facing their own sides ready for: | |
17-24 | 2C, 1C, 3C double triangles. On bars 23-24, 1C turn over RS to finish with 1W between 2C, 1M between 3C. | |
25-32 | 1W with 2C, 1M with 3C dance 6 bar reels of 3 across the set. 1W & 2, 1M & 3M giving RS to begin. On bars 31-32, 1C cross to own sides in 2nd place. |
32 S | 2C | Bicentennial |
1-8 | 1C & 2C circle 4 hands round to the left. Turn partners BH twice round. | |
9-12 | 1C cross RH. 1C and 2C change places on sides LH. | |
13-16 | 1W and 2W dance across the set, passing own partner LS, and then left/counter-clockwise one place to end having changed places with each other, WHILE 1M and 2M stand for 2 bars, advance for 1 bar, turn away pulling LS back, and dance back to place finishing facing out. | |
17-24 | 1C & 2C dance a ladies' chain. End turning partners into promenade hold on the side facing in. | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C dance the tournée. On bar 25 begin by dancing in and slightly to the the right so the men have LS together. |
32 R | 3C | RSCDS 14 |
1-8 | 1C & 2C set and dance RH across halfway. Set and dance LH across back to original places. | |
9-16 | 1C lead down the middle and up. | |
17-24 | 1C & 2C allemande. | |
25-32 | 2C, 1C, 3C circle 6 hands round and back. |
32 S | 4C Quadrille | RSCDS 41 |
1-4 | 1C and 3C turn opposite RH half way to face each other, then pull right shoulder, dance out to opposite places and remain facing out. | |
5-8 | 1C and 3C continue dancing clockwise one place
round the set, curving in to finish back to back in the center of the set,
1C facing 4th place, and 3C facing 2nd place WHILE 2C and 4C repeat bars
1-4 to change places with opposite. On bars 7-8, 1C and 2C and at the same time 4C and 3C will curve round each other to new places, passing RS. |
9-16 | All dance parallel reels of 4 across the set. | |
17-20 | 2C with 1C and at the same time 3C with 4C circle 4 hands around to the left. | |
21-24 | Joining nearer hands with partner, all set. 1C with 2C and at the same time 3C with 4C dance RH across half way. | |
25-28 | 2C & 4C dance LH across once around in the center of the set and finish facing out. | |
29-32 | 2C and 4C dance out of the set, passing 1C and 3C by the right shoulder, and clockwise to finish with 2C in 1st place and 4C in 3rd place. All couples have now progressed anti-clockwise round the set. |
32 J | 2C | RSCDS 3 |
1-8 | 1W & 2M advance & retire, then dance back-to-back. | |
9-16 | 1M & 2W repeat bars 1-8. | |
17-24 | 1C down the middle and up. | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C poussette. |
32 J | 3C triangle | Bestwick Rannoch |
1-4 | 1C cross down and dance out, 1M between 3C and
1W between 2C, meet at the bottom, dance up between the two standing couples
and give outside hands ready for… |
5-8 | 1M LH across with 3C while 1W RH across with 2C. | |
9-16 | 1C meet each other in the middle and all take promenade hold with partner and dance a reel of 3 across the bottom, 1C giving right shoulder to 2C to begin. | |
17-20 | 1C dance back out, 1W between 2C and 1M between 3C, and up to meet each other in 1st place. | |
21-24 | All turn LH to finish in original places, 1C turning 1 ½ to put the woman on the right. | |
25-32 | 1C (top couple) and 3C dance half rights and lefts; then 3C ( now at the top) and 2C dance half rights and lefts. |
32 R | 4C | MacGregor Brown |
1-4 | End couples (1C & 4C) cross RH while middle couples (2C & 3C) RH across halfway. All change places LH on the sides. | |
5-16 | Repeat bars 1-4 three more times from new positions, finishing in original positions. | |
17-20 | 1C face down and set to 2C. 1C cross down to 2nd place on partner's side while 2C dance up to 1st place. | |
21-24 | 1C face down and set to 3C. 1C cross down to 3rd place on own side while 3C dance up to 2nd place. | |
25-28 | 1C face down and set to 4C. 1C cross down to 4th place on partner's side while 4C dance up to 3rd place. | |
29-32 | Taking hands on the sides, all advance & retire, 1C quickly turning BH to own sides as the two lines meet. |
32 S | 3C set | RSCDS 22 |
1-8 | 1C, 2C, 3C set, turn partner BH twice, set | |
9-16 | 1C, 2C, 3C grand chain. | |
17-24 | 1C dance mirror figures of 8 around the standing 2C and 3C, dancing down between 2C to begin, and finish in the middle of the set ready for: | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C half poussette, 1C & 3C half poussette. |
32 R | 3C | RSCDS 1 |
1-8 | 1C turn RH, cast to 2nd place, turn LH to face 1st corners. | |
9-16 | 1C turn corner, partner, corner, partner, finishing facing 1st corners. | |
17-24 | 1C set to and turn corners. | |
25-32 | 1C dance 6-bar reels of three with their corners, passing 1st corner LS to begin. On bars 31-32, 1C cross RH to own sides in 2nd place. |