Time: |
5:30 p.m. -- Social "Hour" 6:00 p.m. -- Dinner 7:00 p.m. -- Grand March and Dancing |
Place: | University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN |
Music: | Thistledown |
Tickets: | Dinner and Dancing -- $35.00 Dinner and 3 Dances only -- $30.00 Dancing only -- $25.00 For tickets contact Nancy Riley, Registrar, e-mail: sumter7@aol.com |
Accomodations: | Hospitality is available for out of town guests. For information contact , Nancy Riley, Registrar, e-mail: sumter7@aol.com |
Other Activities: | A walk-through of ball dances will take place on the day of the ball from 11:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at Tapestry Folk Dance Center. There will be an after-ball party after the dance. There will be a potluck brunch on Sunday morning Details are on the after-ball party and brunch will be available at the ball. |
Program: | ||
Scotch Circle | 32 R (round the room) | RSCDS 24 |
Postie's Jig | 4x32 J (4 couples) | Ormskirk V |
Silver City | 8x32 S | Silver City |
None So Pretty | 8x40 R | RSCDS 19 |
The Frisky | 8x32 J | RSCDS 26 |
Wind on Loch Fyne | 3x32 S ( 3 couple triangular set) | Dunedin 1 |
Da' Rain Dancin' | 8x32 R | Whiteadder |
Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder | 1x128 J (square set) | Hamilton |
Lea Rig | 8x32 S | RSCDS 21 |
Mairi's Wedding | 8x40 R | Cosh |
~~Interval~~ | ||
Joie de Vivre | 8x32 J | RSCDS 39 |
Hame Came Our Gudeman | 8x32 S | RSCDS 30 |
A Trip to Bavaria | 4x32 R (4 couples) | McGregor-Brown |
Glayva | 8x32 J | Drewry |
Delvine Side | 8x32 S | RSCDS 2 |
Roaring Jelly | 8x32 J | Foss |
The Fidget | 8x32 R | RSCDS 16 |
Many Happy Returns | 8x32 S | Slipknot |
Davy Nick Nack | 8x32 H | Glasgow Assembly |
Scotch Circle | ||
32 R | 2c round the room | RSCDS 24/1 |
5-8 | FOUR HANDS ROUND to the left. | |
9-16 | LADIES CHAIN. | |
17-24 | All SET TWICE to partners and TURN 1½ RH. | |
25-28 | All SET to opposite and CROSS RH. | |
29-32 | All SET to partners and CHANGE PLACES LH to finish facing a new couple. | |
Postie’s Jig | ||
4x32 R | 4c | Ormskirk V |
1-8 | 1C, 4C SET. 1C CAST down and dance a HALF FIGURE OF 8 around 2C while 4C CAST up and dance a HALF FIGURE OF 8 around 3C. | |
9-10 | 1W & 4W, 1M & 4M join nearer hands and dance across, LADIES UNDER MEN’S ARCH. | |
11-12 | 1C, 4C TURN THE CORNERS by the free hand to finish 1C btw 2C facing down and 4C btw 3C facing up. | |
13-16 | REPEAT bars 9-12 up and down the set (couple coming up make the arch). | |
17-24 | REPEAT bars 9-16 to finish in order 2C, 1C, 4C, 3C with 1C and 4C on wrong sides. | |
25-28 | 1C & 4C HALF RIGHTS & LEFTS. | |
29-32 | 4C, 1C TURN RH. | |
Silver City | ||
8x32 S | 4c | Silver City |
1-8 | 1C, 2C, 3C dance CROSSOVER REELS OF 3 (1C cross down below 2C to begin), 1C finishing at the top in promenade hold facing down, lady on man’s right. | |
9-16 | 1C dance a REEL OF 3 with 2C, passing 2M with RS to begin. 2C finish by dancing out & up to top place on own sides while 1C TURN LH to face 1st corners. | |
17-24 | 1C turn CPCP finishing with a slow, wide turn into. . . . | |
25-28 | 2C & 1W, 1M & 3C dance RH WHEELS. 1C pass RS into. . . . | |
29-32 | 2C & 1M, 1W & 3C dance LH WHEELS, 1C finishing in 2nd place. | |
None So Pretty | ||
8x40 R | 3c | RSCDS 19/1 |
1-4 | 1C TURN RH and CAST one place. | |
5-8 | 1C TURN LH to finish 1W btw 2C, 1M btw 3C. | |
9-12 | 1C, 2C, 3C SET TWICE, 1C dancing a petronella turn on 11-12 to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides. | |
13-16 | 1C, 2C, 3C SET TWICE. | |
17-24 | REELS OF 3 on the sides, 1C beginning by giving RS to person on their right. 1C finish back to back btw 2C. | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C dance a REEL OF 4, finishing with 1C at the top ready for. . . . | |
33-40 | 1C & 2C dance an ALLEMANDE. | |
The Frisky | ||
8x32 J | 3c | RSCDS 26/10 |
1-4 | 1C TURN RH and CAST. | |
5-8 | 1C TURN LH and CAST to 3rd place. | |
9-16 | 2C, 3C, 1C dance SIX HANDS ROUND & BACK. | |
17-20 | 1C LEAD UP to the top. | |
21-24 | 1C & 2C SET TWICE. | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C dance HALF RIGHTS & LEFTS, SET, and CROSS RH. | |
Wind on Loch Fyne | ||
3x32 S | 3c triangular set | Dunedin 1 |
1-8 | 1W dance a FIGURE OF 8 round 2C , passing 2M with RS to start, while 1M dances a FIGURE OF 8 round 3C, passing 3W with LS to start. 1C take nearer hands briefly on bar 4 and RH on bar 8. | |
9-16 | All dance interlocking REELS OF 4, passing partner RS to begin. All TURN ¾ RH on bar 16 to put men in center. | |
17-20 | Men dance LH WHEEL two places while ladies DANCE CW one place. All TURN PARTNERS RH. | |
21-24 | REPEAT bars 17-20, finishing in new positions, one place to the right of original positions. | |
25-32. | SET, nearer hands joined with partner. CIRCLE six hands round to the left half way. TURN BH with partner. CIRCLE six hands round to the left halfway to new positions. | |
Da’ Rain Dancin’ | ||
8x32 R | 3c | Whiteadder |
1-4 | 1C DANCE DOWN btw 3C and CAST up to 2nd place. | |
5-8 | 2C, 1C, 3C SET and CROSS RH. | |
9-12 | 1C DANCE UP to the top and CAST off to 2nd place. | |
13-16 | 2C, 1C, 3C SET and CROSS LH, 1C turning to face 1st corners. | |
17-20 | 1C dance two bars of HELLO/GOOD-BYE SETTING, then TURN RH to face 2nd corners. | |
21-24 | 1C REPEAT bars 17-20 with 2nd corners, turning out to 2nd place on own sides at end. | |
25-32 | 2C, 1C, 3C SIX HANDS ROUND & BACK. | |
Ian Powrie’s Farewell to Auchterarder | ||
128 J | 4c square set | Hamilton |
1-8 | All CIRCLE eight hands round and back. | |
9-12 | LADIES’ TRACK: Dance in front of partner, behind next man, and into the center. | |
13-16 | Ladies RH WHEEL. | |
17-20 | LADIES TRACK: Dance in front of opposite man, behind next man, and into the center. | |
21-24 | Ladies RH WHEEL. | |
25-32 | All PROMENADE CW. | |
33-36 | 1C, 3C DANCE BEHIND AND AROUND 2C and 4C, respectively, to end facing them with 1C and 3C back to back in the middle of the set. | |
37-40 | All SET and TURN RH. | |
41-48 | All dance REELS OF 4 across the set. | |
49-56 | 1C, 3C dance a FIGURE OF 8 around 2C and 4C, respectively. | |
57-60 | 1C & 3C dance a LH WHEEL. | |
61-64 | 1C, 3C dance the REVERSE of bars 33-36 to end back in original places. | |
65-96 | 2C, 4C REPEAT bars 33-64. | |
97-104 | All PROMENADE CCW. | |
105-108 | MEN’S TRACK: Dance in front of partner, behind next lady and into the center. | |
109-112 | Men LH WHEEL. | |
113-116 | MEN’S TRACK: Dance in front of opposite, behind next lady, and into the center. | |
117-120 | Men LH WHEEL. | |
121-128 | CIRCLE eight hands round to the right and back. | |
Lea Rig | ||
8x32 S | 2c | RSCDS 21/5 |
1-16 | 1C dance the first figure of PETRONELLA. 2C join in on bar 3 and turn to place on bars 15-16. | |
17-24 | 1C lead DOWN & UP. | |
25-28 | 1C & 2C dance a RH WHEEL. | |
29-32 | 1C & 2C dance HALF DIAMOND POUSSETTE. | |
Mairi’s Wedding | ||
8x40 R | 3c | Cosh |
1-8 | 1C TURN RH, CAST, TURN LH to face 1st corners. | |
9-12 | 1C dance a ½ REEL OF 4 with 1st corners, passing LS in the middle. | |
13-16 | 1C dance a ½ REEL OF 4 with 2nd corners, passing LS in the middle. | |
17-24 | REPEAT bars 9-16. | |
25-32 | Dance LS REELS OF 3 across the dance, 1W with 2C, 1M with 3C, with 1C ending in 2nd place. | |
33-40 | SIX HANDS ROUND & BACK. | |
Joie de Vivre | ||
8x32 J | 3c | RSCDS 39/2 |
1-4 | 1C SET and CAST. | |
5-8 | 1C DANCE DOWN below 3C, and CAST UP to 2nd place. | |
9-12 | 2C, 1C, 3C TURN RH. | |
13-16 | All CHASE CW to opposite side. | |
17-20 | 3C, 1C, 2C dance BACK TO BACK. | |
21-24 | All SET and TURN RH into position for. . . | |
25-32 | 3C, 1C, 2C ALLEMANDE. | |
Hame Came Our Gudeman | ||
8x32 S | 3c | RSCDS 30/2 |
1-8 | 1C & 2C SET TWICE and dance HALF RIGHTS & LEFTS. | |
9-12 | 2M and 1M facing each other, 2W & 1W facing each other, SET TWICE. | |
13-16 | CHANGE PLACES RH and CROSS LH with partner, finishing ready for. . . | |
17-24 | 1C, 2C, 3C PROMENADE. On bars 23-24 1C CAST off one place while 2C DANCES TO TOP PLACE. | |
25-32 | 1C & 3C DIAMOND POUSSETTE. | |
A Trip to Bavaria | ||
4x32 R | 4c | McGregor-Brown |
1-2 | End people CROSS RH while middle 4 people HALF A RH WHEEL. | |
3-4 | End people CHANGE PLACES LH with middle people along the sidelines. | |
5-16 | REPEAT bars 1-4 three times to original places. | |
17-20 | 1C SET to 2C and CROSS DOWN to face 3C on wrong sides as 2C dance up. | |
21-24 | 1C SET to 3C and CROSS DOWN to face 4C as 3C dance up. | |
25-28 | 1C SET to 4C and CROSS DOWN to wrong sides in 4th place as 4C dance up. | |
29-32 | All ADVANCE & RETIRE, 1C TURNING ½ BH to own sides. | |
Glayva | ||
8x32 J | 2c | Drewry |
1-4 | 1C, 2C dance HALF A DOUBLE FIGURE OF 8 (1C cross down to start, 2C dance up). | |
5-8 | 1M & 2M TURN LH while 1W & 2W TURN RH. | |
9-16 | REPEAT bars 1-8 to original places turning with opposite hands. 2C end facing in. | |
17-20 | 1C & 2C dance a RH WHEEL. Finish by dancing into the center, PULLING RS BACK, to end back to back facing original places. | |
21-24 | 1C, 2C DANCE OUT to original places and SET facing in diagonally. | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C dance an ESPAGNOLE to change places: 1W & 2W lead across towards men’s side, 1W crossing down and 2W crossing up in front of her, and then dance back across to each other’s positions while 1M and 2M dance across, turn toward each other and then lead across, 2M crossing in front of 1M to each other’s positions. 2C turn RH while 1C turn LH. | |
Delvine Side | ||
8x32 S | 3c | RSCDS 2/9 |
1-4 | 1C & 2C SET and CROSS passing RS. | |
5-8 | REPEAT bars 1-4 back to place. | |
9-16 | 1C LEAD DOWN & UP. | |
17-24 | 1C & 2C ALLEMANDE, 1C finishing facing 1st corners. | |
25-28 | 1C TURN BH with 1st corners and PASS RS to face 2nd corners. | |
29-32 | 1C TURN BH with 2nd corners and PASS RS to own sides in 2nd place. | |
Roaring Jelly | ||
8x32 J | 3c | Foss |
1-4 | 1C CROSS RH and CAST. | |
5-8 | 1C CROSS RH and CAST, 1W down around 3W to end btw 3C and 1M up around 2M to end btw 2C. | |
9-16 | SIX HANDS ROUND & BACK. | |
17-24 | 1C dance FIGURES OF 8, 1W around 2C (up btw 2C and around 2W to begin), 1M around 3C (btw 3C and around 3M to begin). 1C end in 2nd place on opposite sides. | |
25-32 | 1C dance REELS OF 3 on opposite sides, passing RS with person on right to begin. 1C CROSS RH to own sides in 2nd place. | |
The Fidget | ||
8x32 R | 3c | RSCDS 16/1 |
1-4 | 1M facing 2M, 1W facing 2W SET and CHANGE PLACES RH. | |
5-8 | REPEAT bars 1-4, giving LH. | |
9-16 | 1C, 2C, 3C PROMENADE. | |
17-24 | 1C & 2C POUSSETTE, 1C finishing ready for | |
Many Happy Returns | ||
8x32 S | 3c | Slipknot |
1-8 | 1C & 2C SET and TURN BH. CIRCLE four hands round to the left. | |
9-16 | 1C & 2C SET & LINK to change places: Set on the sidelines. 1M dance down one place as 2M casts up one place, while 1W casts down one place as 2W dances up one place. 1C TURN RH to face 1st corners. | |
17-24 | 1C dance CORNERS PASS & TURN* with 1st corners and 2nd corners, giving RH at the end to finish facing each other on own sides in the middle of the set. | |
25-32 | 1C dance a PETRONELLA TURN to end 1M btw 3C, 1W btw 2C. 1C SET and TURN 1 ¼ RH to own sides in 2nd place. | |
*Corners pass & turn: 1C dance round 1st corners, passing them RS while corners dance into center and turn RH. 1C pass RS to face 2nd corners while 1st corners dance back to place. 1C repeat with 2nd corners, passing each other RS to end in 2nd place on own sides. | ||
Davy Nick Nack | ||
8x32 H | 3c | Glasgow Assembly |
1-8 | 1C, 2C, 3C CROSS RH and SET. REPEAT back to place. | |
9-16 | 1C TURN 1½ RH, CAST, and TURN LH to face 1st corners. | |
17-20 | 1C CHANGE PLACES RH with 1st corners and SET. | |
21-24 | 1C CHANGE BACK RH and TURN LH to face 2nd corners. | |
25-32 | REPEAT bars 17-24 with 2nd corners, turning LH to own sides in 2nd place to finish. | |