What better way to start the new millenium than a look back at our
past? This year's theme is Scottish history and features a program of
dances that move through time from the 1600s to the present. Historical
costumes are encouraged, so dig out the fancy duds and join us for an
evening of lively music by Thistledown and dance your way through the
Winners and answers from the trivia contest are now available online.
Time: |
6:00 p.m. -- Reception 7:00 p.m. -- Dinner 8:00 p.m. -- Grand March and Dancing |
Place: | Murray Hall, University of St. Thomas,
2115 Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN [Map of Campus: Building no. 5 (with the star) is Murray Hall] |
Music: | Thistledown: Anne Benson (flute and hammer dulcimer), Sherry Ladig (piano), Pat O'Loughlin (concertina), and Ken Steffenson (fiddle and assorted other stringed instruments) | Tickets: | Dinner and Dancing -- $35.00 Dinner and 3 Dances only -- $30.00 Dancing only -- $25.00 A registration form is available online. For information contact Daniel Grundtner or Hazel Shirley, Ball Co-Chairs: e-mail: danielrg@qwest.net (Dan) or hshirley@htc.honeywell.com (Hazel) phone: 651-487-3068 (Dan) or 763-757-9748 (Hazel) |
Accommodations: | Hospitality is available for out of town guests. |
Other Activities: | A walk-through of ball dances will take place
on the day of the ball from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Tapestry Folkdance Center. There will be a after-ball party at the home of Daniel Grundtner. Please bring munchies to share. There will be a potluck brunch on Sunday morning at the home of John Shackleton and Hazel Shirley. Maps and other details on the after-ball party and brunch will be available at the ball. |
Corn Rigs (1687) | 8x32 R | RSCDS 4 |
A Mile to Ride (1692) | 8x32 S | RSCDS 26 |
Fairly Shot O Her (1690) | 8x32 J | RSCDS 26 |
Delvine Side (1790) | 8x32 S | RSCDS 2 |
Over the Water to Charlie (1750) | 8x32 J | RSCDS 34 |
The Alewife and Her Barrel (1759) | 8x32 R | RSCDS 19 |
Miss Ogilvie's Fancy (1795) | 8x32 S | RSCDS 20 |
Well Done Jack (1719) | 8x32 J | RSCDS 29 |
My Mother's Coming In (1812) | 8x32 R | RSCDS 15 |
~~Interval~~ | ||
Leith Country Dance (1816) | 8x32 J | RSCDS 18 |
Adieu Mon Ami (1814) | 8x32 S | RSCDS 24 |
Toddlin' Hame (1816) | 8x32 J | RSCDS 16 |
Reel of the 51st Division (1940) | 8x32 R | RSCDS 13 |
The Trysting Place (1985) | 8x32 S | RSCDS 35 |
Quarries' Jig (1983) | 8x32 J | RSCDS 36 |
Nighean Donn (1988) | 5x32 R | Dunedin 2 |
Mary's Strathspey (1984) | 8x32 S | 4 SCD in Memory of M. Nixon |
Pelorus Jack (1993) | 8x32 J | RSCDS 41 |
Dance Instructions
Corn Riggs (1687) | ||
8x32 R |
2C |
1-8 |
1C cast off, turn inwards and dance up to places. | |
9-16 |
1C dance fig. 8 round 2C. | |
17-24 |
1C lead down the middle and up. | |
25-32 |
1C and 2C poussette. |
A Mile to Ride (1692) | ||
8x32 S |
3C |
RSCDS 26 |
1-4 |
1W cast off and cross to below 2M, followed by her partner, who finishes below 2W. | |
5-8 |
1M cast up, followed by his partner. Both finish in original places. | |
9-12 |
1C cross. 1W turn 2M RH while 1M turn 2W LH. 2C finish at top and 1C meet nearer hands joined in the middle. | |
13-16 |
1C cross. 1W turn 3W LH while 1M turns 3M RH. 3C finish in own places and 1C face 1st corners. | |
17-24 |
1C set to 1st corners, then to each other across the dance. Set to 2nd corners, then to each other up and down the dance. | |
25-28 |
Giving RH, 1C meet, lead up, cross over, and cast off to 2nd place on own side. | |
29-32 |
1C and 3C dance 4 hands around to the left. |
Fairly Shot O’ Her (1690) | ||
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS 26 |
1-4 |
1C turn RH and cast to 2nd place on own side. 2C step up. | |
5-8 |
1C turn LH to finish 1W between 2C facing down, 1M between 3C facing up. | |
9-16 |
All set twice in lines of 3 across. 1C turn RH to finish in 2nd place on own side. | |
17-24 |
All set on the sidelines and cross over giving RH. Set and cross back, giving LH, 1C turning to face 1st corners. | |
25-32 |
1C set to corners, then turn each other RH 1 1/2 times to finish in 2nd place on own side. |
Delvine Side (1790) | ||
8x32 S |
3C |
1-8 |
1C and 2C set to partners, cross passing right shoulders, set, cross back. | |
9-16 |
1C down the middle and up. | |
17-24 |
1C and 2C allemande, 1C finish facing 1st corners. | |
25-32 |
1C turn 1st corners BH, dance round each other passing right shoulders, turn 2nd corners BH and passing right shoulders dance across to own sides in 2nd place. |
Over the Water to Charlie (1750) | ||
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS 34 |
1-8 |
1C set, cast off one place, dance down between 3C giving nearer hands, divide and cast up to 2nd place. 2C step up on bars 3-4. | |
9-12 |
2C and 1C dance RH across halfway. Retaining RH with partners, cross to original places. | |
13-16 |
1C and 2C dance LH across halfway. Retaining LH with partners, 1C turn to face corners while 2C cross to own sides, top place. | |
17-24 |
1C set to and turn corners. | |
25-32 |
1C dance left-shoulder reels of 3 with corners, then cross over to own sides in 2nd place. |
The Alewife and Her Barrel (1759) | ||
8x32 R |
2C |
RSCDS 19 |
1-8 |
1C cast off one place turn each other RH, cast up one place and turn each other with LH. | |
9-16 |
1C and 2C, with nearer hands joined, set and dance RH hands across half way. Repeat back to places giving LH across. | |
17-20 |
1M and 2W set advancing and turn RH, 1M finishing in 2M’s place (2M moves up), 2W returning to her original place. | |
21-24 |
1W and 2M repeat 17-20, turning LH. Finish 2M in 1st place, 1W in 2W’s place (2W moves up). | |
25-26 |
1M and 2W change places RH. | |
27-28 |
1W and 2M repeat bars 25-26. | |
29-32 |
1C and 2C dance half rights and lefts. |
Miss Olgilvie’s Fancy (1795) | ||
8x32 S |
3C |
RSCDS 20 |
1-8 |
1C and 2C poussette right round. | |
9-16 |
1C lead down the middle for 3 steps, lead up, cast off one place (2C step up). | |
17-24 |
1C and 3C circle 4 hands round and back. | |
25-32 |
1C and 2C rights and lefts. |
Well Done Jack (1719) | ||
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS 29 |
1-4 |
1C and 2C dance back to back. | |
5-8 |
1C and 2C turn partners RH 1 1/2 times. | |
9-12 |
1C and 2C dance back to back. | |
13-16 |
1C and 2C dance half rights and lefts. | |
17-24 |
2C,1C,3C set twice and turn partners RH. | |
25-32 |
1C dance down between 3C, cast up, dance up between 2C, cast off into 2nd place. |
My Mother’s Coming In (1812) | ||
8x32 R |
3C |
RSCDS 15 |
1-8 |
1C, 2C, 3C dance reels of 3 on sidelines. | |
9-12 |
1C set, cast off one place (2C step up). | |
13-16 |
1C dance half fig 8 up around 2C. | |
17-20 |
2C, 1C, 3C advance and retire. | |
21-24 |
2C, 1C, 3C, turn partners BH (using pdb). 2C and 3C return to place, 1C finish back to back in middle facing own sides. | |
25-32 |
Double triangles. |
Leith Country Dance (1816) | ||
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS 18 |
1-4 |
1M and 2W change places RH | |
5-8 |
1M and 2W change back by RH, then turn right to face each other and join both hands to form an arch. | |
9-12 |
1W dance through the arch and down the middle, followed by her partner on bar 11. 2W back to place. | |
13-16 |
1M leads partner up the middle. | |
17-24 |
1C and 2C promenade. | |
25-32 |
1C and 2C poussette. |
Adieu Mon Ami (1814) | |||
8x32 S |
3C |
RSCDS 24 | |
1-4 |
1M and 2M set to each other, turn BH back to places while 1W and 2W do the same. | ||
5-8 |
1C and 2C set to partners and turn BH, finishing in position for allemande. | ||
9-16 |
1C and 2C allemande, 1C finish facing corners. | ||
17-24 |
1C set to corners and partner, turning with a clap to 2nd place on own sides of dance. | ||
25-32 |
1C, 2C, 3C circle 6 hands round and back. |
Toddlin’ Hame (1816) | ||
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS 16 |
1-8 |
1C and 2C dance reel of 4 across the dance. 2C finish in 1st place. 1C finish in 2nd place facing down. | |
9-16 |
1C, 2C, 3C, dance grand chain. | |
17-24 |
1C and 2C dance rights and lefts. | |
25-32 |
1C lead down between 3C, cast up around them, lead up between 2C and cast down to 2nd place. |
Reel of the 51st Division (1940) | ||
8x32 R |
3C |
RSCDS 13 |
1-8 |
1C set to each other, cast off 2 places, meet below 3C and lead up the middle to face 1st corners. | |
9-12 |
1C set to and turn 1st corner with RH, finishing in diagonal line by joining LH with partner. | |
13-14 |
All balance in line. | |
15-16 |
1C turn each other LH 1 1/4 to face 2nd corners. | |
17-24 |
Repeat bars 9-14 with 2nd couple and cross LH to 2nd place on own sides. | |
25-32 |
1C, 2C and 3C circle 6 hands round and back. |
The Trysting Place (1985) | ||
8x32 S |
2C |
RSCDS 35 |
1-8 |
1C and 2C,set and link. Repeat back to places. | |
9-16 |
1M and 2W change places RH, set to each other, change back, and set. Meanwhile, 1W and 2M set to each other, change places RH, set again, and change back. | |
17-24 |
1C and 2C dance 4 hands across and back. On bar 24, 1W and 2M draw partners round to finish in a line of 4 up and down middle of dance (W face down, M face up) | |
25-32 |
1C and 2C dance Highland Schottische poussette. |
Quarries’ Jig (1983) | ||
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS 36 |
1-4 |
1C set and cast off 1 place (2C step up). | |
5-8 |
1C dance round 1st corners passing by left to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides of dance. | |
9-16 |
1M dance reel of 3 across the dance with 2C, giving LS to 2M, while 1W dance reel of 3 across dance with 3C, giving LS to 3W. 1C finish by turning LH 1/2 to face 1st corners (corners reel for 8 bars). | |
17-18 |
1C change places with 1st corners giving RH, while 2nd corners set. | |
19-20 |
1st corners change places with each other diagonally giving LH, while the other dancers dance clockwise round the outside to the next corner position. | |
21-24 |
Repeat 17-20 from new positions. Dancers in middle change places with those in 1st corner positions, giving RH while those in 2nd corner positions set. Those now in the middle, change places diagonally giving LH while others dance clockwise round to next corner position. | |
25-28 |
Repeat 17-20, except on bars 27-28, 1C turn LH to 2nd place on opposite sides. | |
29-30 |
2C, 1C, 3C, joining nearer hands, set on sides. | |
31-32 |
1C cross RH to own sides. |
Nighean Donn (1988) | ||
5x32 R |
5C |
Dunedin 2 |
1-4 |
2C and 4C begin: 2C cross up and out the top of the set and cast off to face 1st corners, while 4C cross down and out the bottom of the set and cast up to face 1st corners. | |
5-8 |
2C and 4C set to 1st corners and, pulling left shoulder back, set to 2nd corners (3C will dance as both 1st and 2nd corners). | |
9-16 |
2C and 4C dance diagonal reels of 4 with 2nd corners, finishing on the opposite sides. | |
17-20 |
All advance and retire. | |
21-22 |
The top 4 people on the men’s side cross RH with the bottom 4 people on the women’s side. | |
23-24 |
The top 4 people on the women’s side cross LH with the bottom 4 people on the men’s side. | |
25-28 |
Repeat 21-24. |
29-32 |
The couple now in 2nd place and the couple now in 4th place turn 1 1/2 times RH to finish on own sides. Repeat from new position with new partner. |
Mary’s Strathspey (1984) | ||
8x32 S |
3C |
Four SCD in Memory of M. Nixon |
1-4 |
1C set and cross RH to finish facing down (lady loop long way into place). | |
5-8 |
1M with 2W and 1W with 2M, set and change places LH and flow into . . . | |
9-16 |
Ladies chain. | |
17-24 |
1C, 2C, 3C parallel left-shoulder reels of 3 on sides, 1C dancing up to start. | |
25-28 |
1C turn BH to end back to back in center, 1W facing up 1M facing down. | |
29-32 |
1W circle left with 2C while 1M circle left with 3C. 1C finish in 2nd place own sides. |
Pelorus Jack (1993) | ||
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS 41 |
1-4 |
1C cross RH, cast to 2nd place (2C step up 3-4). | |
5-8 |
1C and 3C dance RH across to finish 1M facing 1st corner and his partner behind him. | |
9-12 |
1C, in tandem, dance half reel of 3 with 1st corners: 1M, followed by partner, passes RS with 3W, then 1C each turn about by the right in corner position to change direction. 1W, followed by partner, pass RS with 2M to finish facing 1M’s 2nd corner (2W). | |
13-16 |
1C, in tandem, dance half reel of 3 with 2nd corners: 1W, followed by her partner, passes RS with 2W, then 1C each turn about by the right in corner position. 1M, followed by partner, pass RS with 3M to finish facing 1W 1st corner position (3W). | |
17-20 |
1C, in tandem, dance half reel of 3 with 1st corners. | |
21-24 |
1C, in tandem, dance half reel of 3 with 2nd corners. | |
25-32 |
2C and 1C dance LH across. 1C, retaining LH, turn halfway to finish in 2nd place on their own sides. 2C, 1C, 3C set. |