Come, masked or unmasked, and be part of this special 25th anniversary celebration! This year's ball features a number of dances written by Twin Cities Branch members, including four from our new book, New Friends (on sale at the ball). Enjoy special entertainment during the intervals. Bring a few extra dollars and try your luck in the raffle.
Time: |
6:00 p.m. -- Dinner 7:00 p.m. -- Grand March and Dancing |
Place: | Murray Hall, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN |
Music: | Thistledown: Anne Benson, Sherry Ladig,
Pat O'Loughlin, and Ken Steffenson |
Tickets: | Dinner and Dancing -- $35.00 Dinner and 3 Dances only -- $30.00 Dancing only -- $25.00 For information contact Judith Palmateer, Ball Chair, e-mail: or phone: 651-452-0463 |
Accommodations: | Hospitality is available for out of town guests. |
Other Activities: | A walk-through of ball dances will take place
on the day of the ball from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Tapestry Folk Dance Center. There will be an after-ball party after the dance. There will be a potluck brunch on Sunday morning Details on the after-ball party and brunch will be available at the ball. |
Mary Stewart | 32 S (round the room) | L.A. 25th Anniversary |
The Happy Meeting | 8x32 J | RSCDS 29 |
Beyond Ambivalence | 8x40 R | New Friends* |
Up in the Air | 8x32 S | RSCDS 20 |
The Mews | 8x32 J | Borealis* |
Neidpath Castle | 3x32 S (3-couple set) | RSCDS 22 |
Johnnie's Welcome Hame | 8x40 R | RSCDS 32 |
~~Interval~~ | ||
Child's Play | 3x32 J (3-couple set) | New Friends* |
Kettle River | 8x32 S | New Friends* |
The Silver Square | 5x32 S (5-couple square set) | Glasspool |
Burns Night | 8x32 J | McOwen |
Silver Tassie | 8x32 S | RSCDS Leaflet |
Duran Ranger | 8x32 R | RSCDS 13 |
~~Interval~~ | ||
Kingussie Flower | 8x40 R | RSCDS 21 |
Fair Isle Stacs | 8x32 S | Imperial 3 |
Rush Hour Reel | 3x48 R | New Friends* |
Bonny Blue Bride | 8x32 J | Wee Hoose on the Prairie* |
McClellan Knot | 8x32 S | Wee Hoose on the Prairie* |
Miss Allie Anderson | 8x32 J | RSCDS Leaflet |
EXTRAS: | ||
Scottish Reform | 8x32 J | RSCDS 3 |
Monymusk | 8x32 S | RSCDS 11 |
De'il Amang the Tailors | 8x32 R | RSCDS 14 |
*Dances published by the Twin Cities Branch or Twin Cities Branch members.
32 S |
2C (couple facing couple round the room) |
L.A. 25th Anniversary |
1-8 |
Women dance a PETRONELLA TURN to end back-to-back facing partners in a diagonal line. All SET and TURN RH to original places. |
9-16 |
"The Puddle":All CHANGE PLACES BH with opposite, CHANGE PLACES BH with partner, CHANGE PLACES BH with opposite, and CHANGE PLACES BH with partner to original places (i.e. rights and lefts with both hands). |
17-20 |
Dancers in the inner circle, followed by their partners, LEAD OUT (away from the center of the circle), and CAST AWAY from each other to form a line of 4 facing into the center of the circle (women end on their partner’s right side). The lines join to form one big circle. |
21-24 |
25-28 |
All dance HALF A REEL OF 4. |
29-32 |
TURN RH with partner to face a new couple. |
8x32 J |
2C |
RSCDS 29 |
1-8 |
1M and 2W dance DIAGONAL FIGURES OF EIGHT: They pass each other right shoulder, cast around their partner, pass each other right shoulder, and dance around the other’s partner to original positions. |
9-16 |
2M and 1W REPEAT bars 1-8 (passing each other left shoulder). |
17-20 |
1C SLIP DOWN the middle for 2 bars and SET. |
21-24 |
1C SLIP UP the middle and CAST to 2nd place. |
25-28 |
29-32 |
2C and 1C TURN RH. |
8x40 R |
3C |
New Friends/McIntyre |
1-8 |
1C and 3C dance a DOUBLE FIGURE OF EIGHT around 2C (1C cast to begin). |
9-16 |
1C LEAD DOWN for 3 bars, LEAD UP for 3 bars, and CAST to 2nd place (2C step up on bars 7-8). |
17-24 |
2C, 1C, 3C dance 6-bar mirror REELS OF 3 on the sidelines, 1W giving left shoulder to 3W and 1M giving right shoulder to 3M begin. On bars 23-24, 1C CROSS RH to end back-to-back, facing out the opposite sides. |
25-32 |
1C dance DOUBLE TRIANGLES and end facing 1st corners ready for |
33-40 |
1C SET TO CORNERS AND PARTNER (hello-goodbye setting), ending in 2nd place on their own sides. |
8x32 S |
3C |
RSCDS 20 |
1-8 |
1C CAST down for 4 bars and BACK up to place. |
9-16 |
1C, 2C,3C PROMENADE, 1C casting off one place and crossing to face first corners on bars 15-16 while 2C dance up into 1st place. |
17-20 |
1C SET to first corners and SET to second corners, turning to end on the sidelines between corners. |
21-24 |
2C, 1C, 3C CIRCLE six hands round to the left. |
25-28 |
29-32 |
2C, 1C, 3C TURN BH, 1C turning 1 1/2 to own sides. |
8x32 J |
3C |
Borealis/Williams |
1-8 |
1W CAST below 3W and DANCE UP the middle while 1M DANCE DOWN the middle and UP BEHIND THE MEN to end in original places, facing down. 2C and 3 end facing up. |
9-16 |
1C, 2C, 3C dance right shoulder REELS OF 3. |
17-20 |
1C and 2C TURN 3/4 RH into a line across the set and BALANCE. |
21-24 |
1C and 2C TURN 3/4 RH to end with 2C in first place and SET, facing up and down bar 23 and across on bar 24. |
25-32 |
2C and 1C dance RIGHTS AND LEFTS. |
3x32 S |
3C set |
RSCDS 22 |
1-8 |
All SET on the sides, TURN BH TWICE with partners, and SET on the sides. |
9-16 |
All dance a GRAND CHAIN (2C face down, 3C face up, 1C cross to begin) |
17-24 |
1C dance mirror FIGURES OF EIGHT around the 2C and 3C, beginning by dancing between 2C with nearer hands joined, then behind 3C, up between 3C with nearer hands joined, then up behind 2C finishing in position to dance half poussette with 2C, who dance in on bar 24. |
25-28 |
1C and 2C dance a HALF POUSSETTE. 2C finish at the top, while 1C turn in the middle ready to dance half poussette with 3C, who dance in on bar 28. |
29-32 |
1C and 3C dance a HALF POUSSETTE, 1C finishing in 3rd place. |
8x40 R |
3C |
RSCDS 32 |
1-8 |
1C, 2C, 3C SET and CROSS RH, SET and CROSS RH to original places. |
9-20 |
21-24 |
1C CAST to end in a diagonal line giving LH to partner, RH to first corners. |
25-32 |
All dance the SPOKE. |
33-36 |
1C dance HALF FIGURES OF EIGHT, 1W dancing between 2C and around 2M, 1M dancing between 3C and around 3W. |
37-40 |
1C TURN 1 1/2 LH to end in 2nd place on own sides. |
3x40 J |
3C set |
New Friends/Shirley |
1-8 |
1C CROSS RH, CAST one place, CROSS RH, and LEAD UP to original places. |
9-16 |
1C and 2C REPEAT bars 1-8. |
17-24 |
1C, 2C, 3C REPEAT bars 1-8. |
Meanwhile Figure: |
25-40 |
2C and 3C dance HALF RIGHT HANDS ACROSS, SET, HALF RIGHT HANDS ACROSS, SET, HALF RIGHT HANDS ACROSS, SET, CROSS RH, and SET (NOTE: 2C and 3C do not take hands on the sides while setting) |
while |
1C CAST, CROSS RH, CAST to the right (woman up, man down), CROSS RH up and down the set, CAST to the right (woman up, man down) to 2nd place on opposite sides, SET, CROSS RH, and SET. |
NOTE: All 3 couples SET, CROSS RH, and SET together during the last 6 bars. |
8x32 S |
3C |
New Friends/Friedman-Shedlov |
1-4 |
1C SET and CAST to 2nd place. |
5-8 |
1C TURN 1 1/2 BH and turn inside out to end facing first corners. |
9-12 |
1C SET and TURN BH with first corners, ending facing second corners. |
13-16 |
1C SET and TURN BH with second corners. |
17-20 |
1C CIRCLE 3 hands round to the left with corners. 1C finish by pulling right shoulders back to face each other in the middle of the set. |
21-24 |
1C TURN BH and SET ADVANCING to pass left shoulders and end facing own side of the dance. |
25-28 |
1C CIRCLE 3 hands round to the left with partner’s corners. 1C finish by pulling right shoulders back to face each other in the middle of the set. |
29-32 |
1C TURN BH and pull right shoulders back to CURVE INTO 2nd place on own sides. |
5x32 R |
5C square set |
Glasspool |
1C, 2C, 3C, 4C form a normal square. 5C is in the middle facing 1C to begin. |
1-8 |
1C, 5C, 3C dance PARALLEL REELS OF 3 up and down the dance. |
9-16 |
2C, 5C, 4C dance SHADOW REELS OF 3 across the dance. To begin, 2C and 4C face down, 5C gives left shoulder to 4C. 4W, 5M, and 2M lead their partners through the reel. |
17-20 |
1C and 5C dance HALF RIGHTS AND LEFTS. |
21-24 |
1C and 5C CIRCLE four hands round to the left, ending with 1C in the middle. |
25-32 |
1C SPIN in the middle for 8 bars and end facing 1st position. |
while |
2C, 3C, 4C, 5C CIRCLE eight hands round to the left halfway, SET, pull right shoulders back and DANCE CW one place to finish 2C facing 1C. |
8x32 J |
2C |
McOwen |
1-2 |
1M and 2W CROSS RH. |
3-4 |
1W and 2M CROSS RH. |
5-8 |
1C and 2C dance SET AND LINK: All set giving hands on the sidelines (bars 5-6). 1W casts up to 1st place, 2W dances down and curves into 2nd place, 1M dances up and curves into 1st place, 2M casts down to 2nd place (bars 7-8). |
9-16 |
REPEAT bars 1-8 to original places. |
17-24 |
1C CROSS RH and retain hands. Joining left hands under right hands, SLIP DOWN the middle for 2 bars, SLIP UP the middle for 2 bars. Retaining both hands, CROSS back to own sides using pas de basque, bringing right hands up on bar 24 ready for |
25-32 |
1C and 2C ALLEMANDE. |
8x32 S |
3C |
RSCDS Leaflet |
1-4 |
1C, 2C, 3C CROSS RH and SET on the sidelines. |
5-8 |
REPEAT bars 1-4 to original positions. |
9-16 |
1C and 3C dance DOUBLE FIGURES OF EIGHT around 2C. To begin, 1C cross down while 3C casts up. |
17-24 |
1C, followed by 2C and 3C, DANCE DOWN the middle for 4 bars. 1C DANCE UP the middle, followed by 2C and 3C, who divide to let 1C dance between them. |
25-32 |
1C and 2C dance the RONDEL to change places. |
8x32 R |
3C |
RSCDS 13 |
1-8 |
1C LEAD DOWN for 4 bars. 1W cross under 1M’s arm and 1C LEAD UP to end in 2nd place on opposite sides (2C step up on bars 3-4). |
9-16 |
2C and 1C dance RIGHTS AND LEFTS. 1C finish facing first corners. |
17-24 |
1C TURN CORNER PARTNER CORNER PARTNER, finishing in 2nd place on own sides. |
25-32 |
2C and 1C CIRCLE four hands round and back. |
8x40 R |
2C |
RSCDS 21 |
1-8 |
1C DANCE DOWN the middle and UP. |
9-12 |
1W and 2M SET and TURN RH |
13-16 |
1M and 2W SET and TURN RH finishing in the middle ready for |
17-24 |
1C and 2C dance a REEL OF 4 across the set finishing ready for |
25-32 |
1C and 2C dance a PROMENADE. |
33-40 |
1C and 2C dance a POUSSETTE to change places. |
8x32 S |
2C |
Imperial Bk. 3 |
1-8 |
1C and 2C ADVANCE AND RETIRE, then dance BACK-TO-BACK. |
9-16 |
1C LEAD DOWN for 2 bars, TURN RH HALFWAY, LEAD UP for 2 bars, and CAST to 2nd place on opposite sides. |
17-24 |
1C and 2C dance a LADIES’ CHAIN. |
25-28 |
1C dance HALF A FIGURE OF EIGHT around 2C. |
29-32 |
1C and 2C TURN RH. |
3x48 R |
3C set |
New Friends/Dam |
1-4 |
1M, followed by 2M and 3M, CHASE CW halfway around the set while 1W, followed by 2W and 3W, CHASE CCW halfway around the set. (All pass partners right shoulder, women to the inside and men to the outside, as they cross the top of the set) |
5-8 |
All SET TWICE taking hands on the sidelines. |
9-12 |
REPEAT bars 1-4, continuing to chase in the same direction. (All pass partners right shoulder, women to the inside and men to the outside, as they cross the bottom of the set). |
13-16 |
All dance BACK-TO-BACK with partner. |
17-32 |
All dance MIRROR REELS OF 3 on opposite sides and own sides (i.e. crossover reels with ALL couples crossing over to the other side of the set after dancing through 1st place). |
33-40 |
1C LEAD DOWN for 3 bars, TURN RH for 2 bars, and LEAD UP for 3 bars. |
41-48 |
All dance a 3-COUPLE POUSSETTE. |
8x32 J |
3C |
Wee Hoose on the Prairie/McCall |
1-8 |
1C LEAD DOWN the middle AND UP. |
9-16 |
1C, 2C, 3C DANCE IN towards partners to take nearer hands facing up, 1C CAST to 3rd place, followed by 2C and 3C, and all DANCE UP to place with nearer hands joined. |
17-20 |
1C, 2C, 3C dance BACK-TO-BACK. |
21-24 |
1C, 2C, 3C TURN RH |
25-32 |
1C CROSS RH, CAST to 2nd place, CROSS DOWN without hands below 3C, and CAST up to 2nd place on own sides. 2C steps up on bars 27-28. |
8x32 S |
3C |
Wee Hoose on the Prairie/McCall |
1-2 |
1W, in a clockwise loop, dance TOWARD PARTNER AND BACK to place. |
3-4 |
1W, followed by her partner, CAST to 2W’s place. 2C steps up. |
5-8 |
1W, followed by her partner, dance UP THE MIDDLE, CAST around 2M, and then dance ACROSS the set to end in 2nd place, 1W facing out, 1M facing in. |
9-12 |
1C and 3C dance RIGHT HANDS ACROSS. 1W ends facing out. |
13-16 |
1C and 2C dance LEFT HANDS ACROSS. 1W ends facing in. |
17-18 |
1C SET ADVANCING, passing left shoulders to end back-to-back facing first corners. |
19-20 |
1C TURN BH with first corners to end 1M between 3C facing up and 1W between 2C facing down. |
21-24 |
1C REPEAT 17-20 with second corners, ending ready for |
25-32 |
6-bar REELS OF 3 on the sides, 1C giving left shoulders to first corners to begin. 1C CROSS RH to own sides to finish in 2nd place on own sides. |
8x32 J |
3C |
RSCDS Leaflet |
1-4 |
All CLAP and 1W, 2W, 3W DANCE AROUND PARTNERS, passing them by the right shoulder to begin. |
5-8 |
3C, 2C, 1C LEAD DOWN the middle. |
9-12 |
Men turn partners under right arm and LEAD UP to original places on opposite sides. |
13-16 |
1C, 2C, 3C SET and TURN RH, staying in the middle for |
17-24 |
25-28 |
1C and 2W dance RIGHT HANDS ACROSS. 2M steps up to 1st place on bars 27-28. |
29-32 |
1C and 2M dance LEFT HANDS ACROSS. 2W steps up to 1st place on bars 31-32. |
8x32 J |
2C |
1-4 |
1C CROSS RH HALFWAY, moving down between 2C. Give LH to 2C to form a line across and BALANCE. |
5-8 |
1C drop hands and TURN LH HALFWAY with 2C to put 2C in the middle and BALANCE. |
9-12 |
1C and 2C TURN LH HALFWAY to put 1C back in the middle and BALANCE. |
13-16 |
1C RH HALFWAY and curve back into place. |
17-24 |
1C DANCE DOWN the middle and UP. |
25-32 |
1C and 2C POUSSETTE. |
8x32 S |
3C |
RSCDS 11 |
1-4 |
1C TURN RH and CAST off one place. |
5-8 |
1C TURN 1 1/4 LH to end 1W between 2C facing down, 1M between 3C facing up. |
9-12 |
SET TWICE in lines of three across. On bars 11-12, 1C dance a petronella turn to end in 2nd place on opposite sides. |
13-16 |
SET TWICE taking hands on the sidelines. |
17-24 |
2C, 1C, 3C CIRCLE six hands round and back. |
25-32 |
Dance 6-bar REELS OF 3 on the sidelines, 1C giving right shoulders to the person on their right to begin and crossing over to own sides in 2nd place to finish. |
8x32 S |
3C |
RSCDS 14 |
1-4 |
1C and 2C SET and dance HALF RIGHT HANDS ACROSS. |
5-8 |
1C and 2C SET and dance HALF LEFT HANDS ACROSS. |
9-16 |
1C LEAD DOWN the middle and UP. |
17-24 |
1C and 2C ALLEMANDE. |
25-32 |
2C, 1C, 3C CIRCLE six hands round and back. |