Friday, 18 February | |
Reception and Ceilidh | 7 pm, Olivet Congregational Church, St.
Paul [program] Dance, socialize, meet and greet special guests Stewart and Chris Adam, and enjoy ceilidh acts and a performance by Sherry Ladig's new band, The Night Scotsman. If you have a ceilidh act to peform, contact Tim Dickson (612.379.4973) and be sure to include a description of your act on the back of your registration form. Please bring a snack to share. Please also bring your branch-related photos and memorabilia to "show and tell," as there will be an historical display. |
Saturday, 19 February | |
Ball Practice | 10am to 12 noon at St. Helena's School gymnasium |
Grand Ball with music by Thistledown |
University of St. Thomas, Murray-Herrick Campus Center Off Cleveland and Summit Avenues in St. Paul 5:00 pm -- Sherry reception 6:00 pm -- Dinner 7:00 pm -- Grand March and Dancing [program] A dessert buffet will be served during the interval There will also be a silent auction and raffle as a fundraiser for the branch. If you have questions or an item to donate, contact Casee Olson, e-mail: cdolson [at] |
After-Glow Party | Scott Marsalis and Jim Morehouse will host an after-glow party immediately following the ball at their home in St. Paul. Please bring a snack to share. Directions available at the ball or by contacting Scott Marsalis: marsa001 [at] |
Sunday, 20 February | |
Pancake/Potluck Brunch | 10:30 am-12:30 pm at the home of Lara and Dan Friedman-Shedlov in Minneapolis. |
Comprehesive Ticket: Fri. Night Ceilidh, Saturday Night Dinner and Dancing -- $38.00
Non-Dancer's Ticket: Fri. Night Ceilidh, Saturday Night Dinner and up to 3 Dances -- $25.00
Non-Diner's Ticket: Fri. Night Ceilidh, Saturday Night Dancing Only (no dinner) -- $25.00
Friday Night Ceilidh only -- $5.00 at the door
Dinner on Saturday night will be plated service with a choice of salmon, chicken, or couscous (vegetarian). There will be a dessert buffet during the interval. Please indicate your entree selection on the registration form.
Feel free to bring your own bottle of wine to enjoy with dinner.
»A printable registration form
is available online.
Registration deadline is February 12. Please note that it will not be possible to register for the Saturday night dinner after that date. Registration for dancing only may be possible, but will incur
an extra $5 fee.
Ball registrar: Janet McKernan, e-mail: jcmkern [at]
Hospitality is available for out of town guests in the homes of local dancers. Indicate your interest on the registration form or contact the ball registrar for information.
Alternatively, accommodation is available at a special rate of $79 at the Four Points Sheraton St. Paul/Capital Hotel at 400 Hamline, which is conveniently located to both the ball venue and the after-glow party. The hotel offers a free shuttle service and free parking. To make reservations contact the hotel at 651.642.1234 or toll free at 1.800.535.2339 and ask for the Scottish country dance society rate.
Tim Dickson, ball chair, tel: 612.379.4973
Janet McKernan, ball registrar, e-mail: jmckern [at]
Wild Geese/Flock of Geese | 32 J 3C/5C | RSCDS 24/Slipknot |
Sugar Candie | 32 S 3C | RSCDS 26 |
Reel of the Puffins To be taught by Stewart Adam |
32 R 4C | Dunedin 5 |
Blue Bonnets | 32 J 2C | RSCDS 3 |
MacDonald of the Isles | 32 S 3S | Carnforth 2 |
Mairi's Wedding | 40 R 3C | Cosh |
Waltz Country Dance | 40 W 2C | RSCDS 4 |
Machine Without Horses | 32 J 3C | RSCDS 12 |
The Three Sisters | 32 S 3C | Drewry |
Rush Hour Reel | 48 R 3C | Dam/New Friends |
Rosewood JEM | 32 S 3C | Inglis/Gatineau |
Red House | 40 R 2C | RSCDS 7 |
Aird of Coigach | 48 J 4C | Bayly/Imperial 3 |
Village Reel | 32 S 2C | RSCDS 20 |
J. B. Milne | 32 R 3C | Foss/Angus Fitchet |
~~Interval~~ | ||
Nice to See You | 32 R | RSCDS 40 |
Connie's Jig | 48 J 3C | RSCDS 41 |
Glasgow Highlanders | 32 S 2C | RSCDS 2 |
General Stuart's Reel | 32 R 3C | RSCDS 10 |
Waverley | 48 J 3C | RSCDS 15 |
Middleton Medley | 16 S + 16 J 3C | RSCDS 22 |
The Baban | 32 R 3C | McClellan/20 Years 20 Dances |
Bees of Maggieknockater | 32 J 4C | Drewry/Canadian Book |
Adieu Mon Ami | 32 S 3C | RSCDS 24 |
Laird of Milton's Daughter | 32 J 3C | RSCDS 22 |
32 J | 3C | RSCDS 24 |
1-4 | 1C and 3C set advancing for 2 bars, then balance in a zig-zag line for 2 bars. | |
5-8 | 1C turn RH and cast off to 3rd place while 3C turn RH and lead up to 1st place. | |
9-16 | Repeat bars 1-8 with roles reversed to end in original positions. | |
17-24 | 1C down the middle and up to end in 2nd place. (2C step up on 19-20) | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C dance rights and lefts. |
32 S | 3C | RSCDS 26 |
1-4 | 1C set, cast off one place (2C step up on bars 3-4). | |
5-8 | 1C cross passing LS, dance RS round 1st corners, end back-to-back in middle, 1M facing down, 1W facing up. | |
9-12 | 1W with 2C, 1M with 3C circle 3 hands round to the left, 1C finish facing each other in the middle. | |
13-16 | 1C set, turn with BH 3/4 to face 1st corners. | |
17-24 | 1C turn corner, partner, corner, partner. | |
25-32 | 6-bar reels of three on sides, 1C give LS to 1st corner to begin. On bars 31-32, 1C cross RH to own sides. |
32 J | 2C | RSCDS 3 |
1-8 | 1W & 2M advance & retire, then dance back-to-back. | |
9-16 | 1M & 2W repeat bars 1-8. | |
17-24 | 1C down the middle and up. | |
25-32 | 1C & 2C poussette. |
32 S | 3C set | Carnforth 2 |
1-8 | 2C pass each other left shoulders to dance a diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, finishing by dancing around each other by the left shoulder to face 2nd corners. | |
9-16 | 2C dance a diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners. | |
17-24 | Progressive grand chain: 1C cross RH (2 bars), 1C change places LH with 2C (2 bars), 1C change places RH with 3C while 2C cross RH (2 bars), 1C cross LH while 2C and 3C change places LH (2 bars). | |
25-28 | 3C and 2C dance half rights and lefts. | |
29-32 | 3C dance half a figure of eight, 1M up around 2C, 1W down around 1C. |
40 R | 3C | Cosh |
1-8 | 1C turn RH, cast to 2nd place, and turn LH about 1 1/2 to face 1st corners | |
9-24 | 1C dance 4 half-diagonal reels of 4 with corners. | |
25-32 | 1W with 2C, 1M with 3C dance reels of 3 across the set, 1C finishing in 2nd place on own sides. | |
33-40 | All circle 6 hands round and back. |
40 W | 2C | RSCDS 4 | Danced couple facing couple around the room |
1-2 | Balance forward and back. | |
3-4 | Travel forward passing opposite by right shoulder to end facing partner. | |
5-8 | Repeat 1-4 but passing partner right shoulder. | |
9-16 | Repeat 1-8 to end in original positions. | |
17-18 | Join hands in a ring and dance forward and back. | |
19-20 | Men swap women on their left over to their right side. | |
21-32 | Repeat 17-20 three more times. | |
33-40 | Take partner in ballroom hold and waltz CCW around and past the other couple to change places. End facing original direction to meet a new couple. |
32 J | 3C | RSCDS 12 |
1-4 | 1C set and cast off to 2nd place. | |
5-8 | 1C and 3C right hands across. | |
9-12 | 1C set and cast up to top place. | |
13-16 | 1C and 2C left hands across. | |
17-24 | 1C, followed by 2C, lead down between 3C, divide and cast up behind 3C, lead up to the top and cast off to 2nd place while 2C dance into top place. | |
25-32 | 2C and 1C rights-and-lefts. |
32 S | 3C | Drewry |
1-8 | 1W, 2W, 3W advance, retire, set while 1M, 2M, 3M set, advance, retire; then all cross RH. | |
9-12 | 1C, 2C, 3C set and dance a petronella turn to end in a line up and down the center of the set, M facing down, W facing up. | |
13-16 | 1C, 2C, 3C turn BH and dance a petronella turn to original places, 1W and 2M finish facing out. | |
17-24 | 1C and 2C dance a reel of 4 across, 1W and 2M casting, 1M and 2W passing LS to begin. 1W and 2M turn LH at end to finish beside partner ready for: | |
25-32 | 1C and2C dance the Rondel |
48 R | 3S | Dam/New Friends |
1-4 | 1M, followed by 2M and 3M, chase clockwise halfway around the set while 1W, followed by 2W and 3W, chase counterclockwise halfway around the set. All pass the oncoming dancers by the right shoulder (women to the inside, men to the outside) as they cross the top of the set. | |
5-8 | All set twice taking hands on the sidelines. | |
9-12 | Repeat bars 1-4, continuing to chase in the same direction. All pass the oncoming dancers by the right shoulder (women to the inside, men to the outside) as they cross the bottom of the set. | |
13-16 | All dance back-to-back with partner. | |
17-32 | All dance triple crossover reels, i.e. crossover reels, with all three couples crossing over to the other side of the set after dancing through 1st place. | |
33-40 | 1C lead down for 3 bars, turn RH for 2 bars, and lead up for 3 bars. | |
41-48 | All dance a 3-couple poussette. |
32 S | 3C set | Carnforth 2 |
1-2 | 2C set advancing to 2nd corners while 1W and 3M set diagonally. | |
3-8 | 2C dance a 6-bar diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners. 1W and 3M finish facing out. 2C end in original places. | |
9-14 | 1W and 3M cast up or down 2 places (2 bars), dance towards each other and pull RS back to end back-to-back, 1W facing down, 3M facing up (2 bars) and dance to out each other’s original places (2 bars), while 1M and 3W dance into towards each other and pull RS back to end back-to-back, 1M facing up, 3W facing down (2 bars), dance out to their right, through partner’s position (2 bars), and cast up or down to finish in each other’s original places (2 bars). | |
15-16 | All set. | |
17-24 | 3C and 1C turn BH 3/4 to end in line up & down the set (M facing down), dance half a reel of 4, and turn BH 3/4 to sidelines on partner’s side of set. | |
24-28 | 1C and 2C dance half rights and lefts. | |
29-32 | 2C and 3C dance half rights and lefts while 1C turn BH twice. |
40 R | 2C | RSCDS 7 |
1-8 | 1C set, cast one place, set, and cast back to original places. | |
9-16 | 1M, followed by 1W, cast below 2M, above 2W, behind her and across to on own sides below 2C | |
17-24 | 1W, followed by 1M, reverse the track to finish in original places. | |
25-32 | 1C dance a reel of 3 with the 2M on M’s side. To begin, M pass LS, while 1W dances across and below 2M. 1M finish in 2nd place, 2M in 1st place, while 1W crosses back to her original place, leaving the reel from the middle. | |
33-40 | 1C dance a reel of 3 with the 2W on W side. To begin, W pass RS, while 1M dances across and below 2W. 1W finishes in 2nd place, 2W in 1st place, while 1st M crosses back to his own side, leaving the reel from the middle. |
48 J | 4C | Imperial 3 |
1-8 | All men dance across the set, pass partner by RS and chase 4M behind the women, across the bottom of set, and up on men's side (The 4 men finish in reverse order) | |
9-16 | All 4 couples 8 Hands Round & Back finishing in a circle. Retain this formation until Bar 40. | |
17-20 | 1C take nearer hands with the person on their left (2W & 2M). Dance diagonally across, 1M and his current partner making an arch for 1W and her current partner to dance under. The four dancers dance to opposite places then cast away and loop back into that position in the circle. (1W & 2W cast away from each other and 1M & 2M cast away from each other.) | |
21-32 | 1C repeat bars 17-20 with 3C across the set, then with 4C diagonally, then with 2C up and down the set. 1M and the person he is dancing with always make the arch. 1W and the person she is dancing with always go under the arch. Finish with 1M facing 2W (at the top) and 1W facing 2M (at the bottom) ready for snowball grand chain | |
33-40 | Snowball grand chain: bars 1-2: Dancers at the top and bottom change places RH (1W with 2M and 1M with 2W) bars 3-4: 3C & 4C join by changing places LH with the dancer coming towards them. bars 5-8: All continue the chain for another two places to end in a longwise set. All finish on own sides, men in the order 2M, 3M, 4M, 1M, women in the order 1W, 4W, 3W, 2W. |
41-48 | All women dance across the set, pass partner by RS and chase 1W up behind men, across the top of set, and down on women's side to finish opposite their partner |
32 S | 2C | RSCDS 20 |
1-8 | 1C and 2C poussette right round. | |
9-16 | 1C in promenade hold (1W on her partner’s right) dance a figure of. 8 around 2C, 1C giving RS to 2W to begin and finishing in original places. | |
17-24 | 1C lead down the middle and back. | |
25-32 | 1C and 2C Allemande. |
32 R | 3C | Foss/Angus Fitchet |
1-4 | 1M and 2W set advancing and turn each RH. | |
5-8 | 1W and 2M repeat bars 1-4. | |
9-16 | 1C set advancing, turn BH, cast to 2nd place (2C step up), and dance a petronella turn to finish 1W between 2C facing down, 1M between 3C facing up. | |
17-20 | 1C set and turn RH 3/4 to sides while 2C and 3C change places RH on sides and set. | |
21-24 | 1C set and turn RH 3/4 to top and bottom while 2C and 3C cross RH and set. | |
25-28 | 1C set and cross RH up and down the set, while 2C and 3C change places RH on sides and set. | |
29-32 | 1C cast to the right to finish in 2nd place on own sides while 2C and 3C cross RH. All set. |
32 R | 3 dancers facing 3 dancers round the room | RSCDS 40 |
1-8 | All circle 6 hands round and back. | |
9-12 | Middles dance RH across with the two dancers on their right. | |
13-16 | Middles dance LH across with the two dancers on their left. | |
17-24 | Middles dance a figure of eight around the two opposite dancers, finishing between them. The middles dance out between the dancers on their right to begin. | |
25-28 | Ends turn the opposite dancer RH 1 ½ times to change places. All are now back w/original group of 3 dancers. | |
29-32 | All set in lines of 3, then dropping hands, set again, pulling RS back to face the next three dancers. |
48 J | 3C | RSCDS 41 |
1-4 | 1C set and turn BH halfway, finishing facing up. | |
5-8 | 1C cast, turn RH halfway and finish facing 2W in promenade hold. | |
9-16 | 1C dance a RS reel of 3 w/2C, and finish facing 3W. | |
17-24 | 1C dance a LS reel of 3 w/3C, and finish back-to-back, facing own sides. | |
25-32 | Double Triangles | |
33-40 | 1M LH across w/2C while 1W LH across w/3C, then passing LS, 1W RH across w/2C while 1M RH across w/3C. | |
41-48 | 2C, 1C, 3C circle 6 hands round and back. |
32 S | 2C | RSCDS 2 |
To be danced in long lines for as many as will. | ||
On the 2nd chord, 1W, 2M, and 2W rotate one place CCW to finish W on her partner's R. | ||
1-8 | 1C and 2C Rights and Lefts |
9-16 | 2M in a line of three with his partner on his left and 1W on his right, dance down the middle, followed by 1M. On bar 4, all turn and 1M with his partner on his left and 2W on his right, dance back up. All finish in a line of 4 across, 1M and 2M back-to-back in the middle facing partners. | |
17-24 | All set w/ Glasgow Highlanders setting step or other setting step. | |
25-32 | Reel of 4 across. All end rotated one place CCW around the set (one place down the men’s side or one place up the women’s side), except the couple reaching the top, who finish on own sides and wait out a turn. |
32 R | 3C | RSCDS 10 |
1-8 | 1M set to 2W and cast 1 place (2M steps up on bars 3-4). 1W set to 2M and cast 1 place (2W steps up on bars 7-8).. | |
9-16 | 1C turn 1st corner RH, pass partner RS, turn 2nd corner LH, and pass partner RS to finish facing 1st corners. | |
17-24 | Hello-goodbye setting, 1C finishing 1W facing down, 1M facing up. | |
25-32 | 1C dance 6-bar reels of 3 on the sides with corners, giving RS to 2nd corner to begin. 1C cross to own sides on bars 31-32. |
48 R | 3C | RSCDS 15 |
1-8 | 1W followed by 2W and 3W dance across top, behind M, across and back to original places. | |
9-16 | M repeat bars 1-8. | |
17-24 | 1C set to 2C and change places RH, set, and change back LH, finishing ready for: | |
25-32 | 1C and 2C poussette, 1C releasing top hand to finish back-to-back ready for: | |
33-40 | Double Triangles. On bars 39-40, 1W rotates and 1M pivots to finish 1C facing out the W’s side, 1W on her partner’s left. | |
41-48 | 1C dance out the W’s side, divide, dance in through the ends of the set and meet, dance out the M’s, divide, and dance in through the ends to 2nd place on own sides. |
16S+16J | 3C | RSCDS 27 |
Strathspey: | ||
1-4 | 1C dance down below 3C and cast back up to original places. | |
5-8 | 1C and 2C turn partner RH, change places on sides LH. | |
9-16 | 1C set advancing to face 1st corners. 1C turn 1st corner RH, 2nd corner LH, and partner RH to face 1st corners again. | |
Jig: | ||
1-4 | 1C set to 1st corners, then set to each other across. | |
5-8 | 1C turn BH to face 2nd corners. | |
9-12 | 1C set to 2nd corners, then set to each other up and down the set. | |
13-16 | 1C turn BH to 2nd place, own sides. |
32 R | 3C | McClellan/20 Years 20 Dances |
1-8 | 1C, 2C, and 3C dance left shoulder reels of 3 on the sidelines | |
9-12 | 1M with 2M and 1W with 2W turn LH 1 1/2 to change places. | |
13-24 | 2C, 1C, 3C dance 3-couple rights and lefts: Bars 1-2: All cross RH with opposite person. Bars 3-4: Dancers in 1W and 3M's positions change places LH diagonally while the others change places LH on the sides. Bars 5-12: Repeat bars 1-4 two more times to return to original positions. |
25-32 | 1 2C, 1C, 3C circle six hands round and back. |
32 J | 4C | Drewry/Canadian Book |
1-4 | 1C cross and cast. | |
5-8 | 1C and 3C dance RH across, ending 1W and 3M in promenade hold facing out M’s side, 1M and 3W in promenade hold facing out W’s side. | |
9-24 | Two consecutive reels of 3 on the sides, 1W and 3M passing 2M by RS while 1M and 3W pass 4W by RS to begin. At the end of each half reel, as 1C and 3C dance in through the ends of the set, they trade partners and continue the reel. | |
25-28 | 1C change places with 3C by turning them 1 1/2 w/outside hands (3C split, 1C dance down the middle) and cross to face 4C. | |
29-32 | 1C change places with 4C by turning them 1 1/2 w/outside hands (W with the LH, M with RH). |
32 S | 3C | RSCDS 24 | |
1-4 |
1M and 2M set to each other, turn BH back to places while 1W and 2W do the same. | ||
5-8 |
1C and 2C set to partners and turn BH, finishing in position for allemande. | ||
9-16 |
1C and 2C allemande, 1C finish facing corners. | ||
17-24 |
1C set to corners and partner, turning right about with a clap to 2nd place on own sides of dance. | ||
25-32 |
1C, 2C, 3C circle 6 hands round and back. |
32 J | 3C | RSCDS 22 |
1-8 | 1C set, cross RH, cast to 2nd place (2C step up), turn LH to finish facing 1st corners. | |
9-16 | 1st Corner Chain: 1C change place RH w/1st corner, 1st corners turn each other LH once round, 1st corners change places RH w/1C, 1C turn LH to face 2nd corners. | |
17-24 | 2nd Corner Chain, 1C finishing in 2nd place on own sides. | |
25-32 | Circle 6 hands round and back. |
Previous Balls: 1999 | 2000
| 2001 | 2002
| 2003 | 2004