RSCDS Twin Cities Branch 30th Annual Grand Ball
11 February 2006

Please join us at the University of St. Thomas, Murray-Herrick Campus Center for our 30th annual Grand Ball, featuring music by Thistledown Band.

Schedule | Registration | Accommodations | Contact | Program

Schedule of Events:
Friday, 10 February
Ball Practice I 7:30 to 9:30 pm, Tapestry Folkdance Center
The full ball program will be walked through.
Saturday, 11 February
Ball Practice II 10am to 12 noon at Tapestry Folkdance Center
Selected dances from the ball program will be danced/walked to music.
Grand Ball
with music by Thistledown
University of St. Thomas, Murray-Herrick Campus Center
Off Cleveland and Summit Avenues in St. Paul
5:15 pm -- Reception
6:00 pm -- Dinner
7:00 pm -- Grand March and Dancing [program]
After-Glow Party Scott Marsalis and Jim Morehouse will host an after-glow party immediately following the ball at their home in St. Paul. Please bring food or drink share. Non-alcoholic beverages will be provided. Directions available at the ball or by contacting Scott Marsalis: marsa001 [at]
Sunday, 12 February
Pancake/Potluck Brunch

10:30 am-12:30 pm, Home of Barbara Cameron
Join us for a post-ball pancake brunch. Basic pancake batter, butter, syrup, and beverages will be provided. Please bring an interesting pancake topping, a batch of alternative pancake batter, a pancake batter add-in, or a side-dish to share. Directions will be available at the ball


Dinner and Dancing -- $38.00
Dancing Only (no dinner) -- $20.00
Dinner Only (non-dancer) -- $20.00

Dinner on Saturday night will be plated service with a choice of fish, chicken, or a vegetarian entree. Please indicate your entree selection on the registration form.

Dancers over 21, please feel free to bring your own bottle of wine to enjoy with dinner.

»A printable registration form is available online.
Registration deadline is February 3.

Ball registrar: John Shackleton, e-mail: jshackleton [at]


Hospitality is available for out of town guests in the homes of local dancers. Indicate your interest on the registration form or contact the ball registrar for information.


Barbara Cameron, ball chair, e-mail: bcameron [at]
John Shackleton, ball registrar, e-mail: jshackleton [at]

Grand Ball Program:

Duke of Atholl's Reel 32 J 2C RSCDS 16
Mrs. Stewart's Jig 32 J 3C RSCDS 35
Cauld Kail 32 M 3C RSCDS 9
Muirland Willie 32 J 3C RSCDS 21
Minister on the Loch 32 S 3CS Goldring/24 Graded & Social
Peat Fire Flame corrected 6 Feb 40 R 3C Drewry/Bon Accord
Scotland's Gardens 32 R 3C Goldring
Quarries' Jig 32 J 3C RSCDS 36
Earl of Northampton 32 S 2C Boston Celebrate 50
Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder 128 J Hamilton
Gypsy Dreams 32 S 2C Glasspoool/Itch to Dance
Duke of Perth 32 R 3C RSCDS 1
Waverley 48 J 3C RSCDS 15
Springtime in Minnesota (The Pothole Reel) 48 R 3C McClellan
Seagreen 32 S 3CS Drewry/Brodie
The Saltire Society Reel 32 R 3C RSCDS Leaflets
The Blithest Lass that Ever Was Seen 32 S 3C MMM 2
Mairi's Wedding 40 R 3C Cosh

Duke of Atholl's Reel
32 J 2C RSCDS 16
1-8 1C and 2C set and dance RH across halfway, set and dance LHA back to places.
9-12 1M and 2W set advancing, then turn RH to places.
13-16 1W and 2M set advancing, then turn RH to places.
17-24 1C cross RH, cast to 2nd place, and dance half a figure 8 up around 2C.
25-32 2C and 1C dance Rights and Lefts.

Mrs. Stewart's Jig

32 J 3C RSCDS 35
1-8 1C set and then 1W, followed by her partner, cast off below 3C. 1W dances up behind the men's line while 1M dance up the middle to finish in 2nd place on partner's side, facing down. 2C steps up on bars 7-8.
9-16 2C, 1C, 3C Grand Chain. 2M & 1M omit the polite turn to finish facing out.
17-24 2C & 1C Ladies' Chain.
25-32 2C, 1C, 3C advance and retire. 1C turn RH 1 ½ to finish on own sides in 2nd place.

Cauld Kail
16S+16R 3C RSCDS 9
1-8 1C and 2C dance RH across and LH back
9-12 1C set and cast off one place while 2C step up.
13-16 2C and 1C dance rights and lefts.
1-8 1M dances out between 2W and 3W, down round 3W and completes a figure of 8 round 2W, finishing facing 1st corner while 1W dances across and round 2M to start a figure of 8 round 2M and 3M to face 1st corner
9-16 1C set to corners and partner (hello-goodbye setting).

Muirland Willie
32 J 3C RSCDS 21
1-4 1C cross down to 3rd place and cast up to 2nd place while 2C set and cross down to 3rd place while 3C cast up to 1st place and cross RH.
5-8 3C, 1C, 2C set and turn BH halfway to own sides of dance
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8 from new positions: 3C (in 1st place) cross down two, cast up one while 1C (in 2nd place) set, cross down while 2C (in 3rd place) cast up two and cross. 2C,3C,1C set and turn halfway BH.
17-24 1C lead to the top while 2C,3C step down (4 bars). 1C set to each other. 1C,2C set to partners ready for ...
25-32 1C,2C dance a poussette to change places

Minister on the Loch
32 S 3C set Goldring/24 Graded & Social
1-8 1C and 2C poussette right round
9-16 1C dance down for two steps, turn BH, dance up for two steps and turn BH to finish facing up ready for...
17-24 1C and 3C dance a double figure of 8 around 2C, 1C casting to start.
25-32 1C and 2C turn 1-1/2 (ladies RH, men LH). 1C and 3C turn 1-1/2 (ladies LH, men RH)

Peat Fire Flame (corrected 6 Feb 2006)

40 R


Drewry/Bon Accord


1C cast one place and dance half a figure of 8 up round 2C. 1C turn 3/4 LH to face 1st corners


1C turn 1st corners RH, pass RS to turn 2nd corners LH and pass LS to face 1st corners


1C dance half a diagonal reel of 4 with their 1st corners and half a diagonal reel of 4 with their 2nd corners, finishing facing their 1st corner persons (in their partner's 1st corner's position)


1C set to their 1st corner persons and pulling RS back dance round to face their 2nd corner persons (in partner's 2nd corner's position). 1C set to their 2nd corner persons and dance round to finish in 2nd place on partner's side facing out


1C dance out, round to the right and in the ends to meet while 3C and 2C dance half rights and lefts.


1C turn RH 1 1/4 to finish in 2nd place on own sides facing out, ready to begin again.

Scotland's Gardens
32 R 3C Goldring
1-8 All dance parallel reel of 3 on the sides, 1C and 2C passing RS to begin.
9-12 1W and 2W and at the same time 1M and 2M turn RH 1 1/2, 1M finish facing out.
13-16 1M, followed by 1W, chase out the men's side, to the right, and in through the top of the set to finish 1M between 3C, 1W between 2C in lines of 3 across, all facing down.
17-24 In lines of 3, all dance down the middle and up, turning over RS to change directions at the bottom. Finish with the two lines of 3 facing each other.
25-32 All set in lines of 3 across. 1C petronella turn to 2nd place on opposite sides. All set on the sidelines. 1C cross RH to own sides in 2nd place.

Quarries’ Jig

8x32 J




1C set and cast off 1 place (2C step up).


1C dance round 1st corners passing by left to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides of dance.


1M dance reel of 3 across the dance with 2C, giving LS to 2M, while 1W dance reel of 3 across dance with 3C, giving LS to 3W. 1C finish by turning LH 1/2 to face 1st corners (corners reel for 8 bars).


1C change places with 1st corners giving RH, while 2nd corners set.


1st corners change places with each other diagonally giving LH, while the other dancers dance clockwise round the outside to the next corner position.


Repeat 17-20 from new positions. Dancers in middle change places with those in 1st corner positions, giving RH while those in 2nd corner positions set. Those now in the middle, change places diagonally giving LH while others dance clockwise round to next corner position.


Repeat 17-20, except on bars 27-28, 1C turn LH to 2nd place on opposite sides.


2C, 1C, 3C, joining nearer hands, set on sides.


1C cross RH to own sides.

Earl of Northampton

32 S 2C Boston Celebrate 50
1-8 1C & 2C set & link, then circle 4 hands round to the left
9-16 2C & 1C back to back, then turn partners BH ready for
17-24 2C & 1C allemande. On bars 23-24 instead of retiring turn RH once around and stay in the middle ready for
25-32 1C & 2C dance the knot

Ian Powrie's Farewell to Auchterarder
128 J 4C squareshnHamilton
1-8 All CIRCLE round and back.
9-24 WOMEN'S TRACK: Women dance in front of partner, behind the next man, and into the center (4 bars), dance RIGHT HANDS ACROSS once around, dance in front of opposite man, behind the next man, and into the center (4 bars), dance RIGHT HANDS ACROSS once around ending in front of partner.
25-32 All PROMENADE clockwise.
33-40 1M followed by 1W and 3M followed by 3W, continuing to dance in a clockwise direction, dance behind 2C and 4C, respectively, and around in front to end facing them (1W facing 2W, 3M facing 4M , 1M facing 2M, 3W facing 4W in lines of 4 across the set), women cutting between the standing couples and men dancing around the far side (4 bars). All SET and TURN RH.
41-48 All dance REELS OF 4 across the set.
49-56 1C and 3C dance FIGURES OF 8 around 2C and 4C, repectively.
57-64 1C and 3C dance LEFT HANDS ACROSS and DANCE OUT between/around 2C and 4C, repectively (same path as they danced in on bars 33-36) the 1W and 3W leading their partners back to original places.
65-96 2C and 4C REPEAT bars 33-64.
97-104 All PROMENADE counter-clockwise.
105-120 MEN'S TRACK: Men dance in front of partner, behind the next woman, and into the center (4 bars), dance LEFT HANDS ACROSS once around, dance in front of opposite woman, behind the next woman, and into the center (4 bars), dance LEFT HANDS ACROSS once around ending next to partner in original place .
121-128 All CIRCLE to the right and back.

Gypsy Dreams

32 S 2C Glasspool/Itch to Dance
1-4 1C cross RH to face down on partner's side. Change places on sides, giving LH to 2C
5-8 All chase CCW one place. Turn partner LH 3/4 to finish in a line of 4 across, women back-to-back in the middle facing their partners.
9-16 1C and 2C "Gypsy Poussette": All set RF, LF, RF, LF, making a quarter turn to the right at the end of the first three setting steps (4 bars). All dance a RS gypsy turn with partner to change places (2 bars), then turn partner BH 3/4 to finish in a line of 4 across with men back-to-back facing partners.
17-24 1C and 2C dance a reel of 4 across the set. Finish in promenade hold with partner, 1C on women's side facing up, 2C on men's side facing down.
25-32 1C and 2C dance the Tournée: On bar 1, 1C,2C dance CCW one quarter. Bars 2-8 are as in a normal Tournée.

Duke of Perth

32 R 3C RSCDS 1
1-8 1C turn RH, cast to 2nd place, turn LH to face 1st corners.
9-16 1C turn corner, partner, corner, partner, finishing facing 1st corners.
17-24 1C set to and turn corners.
25-32 1C dance 6-bar reels of three with their corners, passing 1st corner LS to begin. On bars 31-32, 1C cross RH to own sides in 2nd place.


48 R 3C RSCDS 15
1-8 1W followed by 2W and 3W dance across top, behind M, across and back to original places.
9-16 M repeat bars 1-8.
17-24 1C set to 2C and change places RH, set, and change back LH, finishing ready for:
25-32 1C and 2C poussette, 1C releasing top hand to finish back-to-back ready for:
33-40 Double Triangles. On bars 39-40, 1W rotates and 1M pivots to finish 1C facing out the W’s side, 1W on her partner’s left.
41-48 1C dance out the W’s side, divide, dance in through the ends of the set and meet, dance out the M’s, divide, and dance in through the ends to 2nd place on own sides.

Springtime in Minnesota/The Pothole Reel

48 R 3C McClellan
1-16 1C, 2C, 3C dance crossover reels of 3, 1C crossing down to begin. On bar 9, 1C cross down to continue reels on own side
17-24 1C set advancing, turn BH, and cast to face 1st corners (2C step up)
25-32 1C and 1st corners set and change places RH, set and change back RH
33-40 1C repeat bars 25-32 with 2nd corners
41-44 1C with nearer hands joined dance down between 3C, cross, and cast up to 2nd place on own sides.
45-48 1C dance to top of set and cast around 2C into 2nd place.


32 S 3C set Drewry/Brodie
1-2 All (1C,2C,3C) set with near hands joined.
3-8 1C and 3C change places: 1st corners (1M,3W) dance a Petronella turn to finish back-to-back, dance out the ends and round to the right to each other’s places while 2nd corners (1W,3M) cast behind their own lines, dance in the ends with a Petronella turn to finish back-to-back then dance to each other’s places
9-16 3C,2C,1C set and circle round to the left. On bar 6 of the phrase, all dance in towards the middle of the set and loop round to the right and out in a CW chase back to positions at the end of bar 8
17-24 Repeat bars 1-8.
24-28 2C followed by 1C dance down between 3C and cast up (to 2C,1C,3C).
29-32 1C followed by 3C dance up between 2C and cast off (to 2C,3C,1C).

Saltire Society Reel

32 R 3C RSCDS Leaflet
1-8 1C cross down diagonally to 2nd place on partner's side facing out while 2C step up. 1W,3M turn LH while 1M,3W turn RH. 1C dance up, nearer hands joined. 1W,2M turn LH while 1M,2W turn RH, so 1C finish in 2nd place on partner's side facing down
9-16 2C, 1C, 3C dance reels of 3 on the sides, 1C crossing down to reel on own sides, 2C dancing out and down, 3C dancing out and up. 1C finish the reel side-by-side in the middle with LH joined, facing 1st corners (but in a diagonal line between 2nd corners)
17-20 1C set to 1st corners, turn inwards to join RH with partner and set to partners’ 1st corners. 1st corners advance to form a RH wheel on bar 20.
21-24 1C,1st corners dance a RH wheel, 1C finishing facing 2nd corners
25-32 Repeat bars 17-24 with 2nd corners: 1C set to corners, turn in to join LH and set to partners’ corners, 1C and 2nd corners dance a LH wheel. 1C finish in 2nd place

Blithest Lass that Ever Was Seen

32 S 3C MMM 2
1-4 1C turn BH and cast to 2nd place (2C step up)
5-8 1C turn BH and cast L to finish 1W between 2C, 1M between 3C
9-16 All set twice in lines across. On bars 11-12 1C Petronella turn to finish between corners; 2C, 1C, 3C set twice on the sides. On bar 16 1C dance L about to face 1st corners
17-24 1C set to and turn corners, finishing in the middle, facing the men’s side, W on the right
25-32 1C lead out on M side, cross and cast to meet in the center ; repeat on W side, finish in 2nd place own sides.

Mairi's Wedding

40 R 3C Cosh
1-8 1C turn RH, cast to 2nd place, and turn LH about 1 1/2 to face 1st corners
9-24 1C dance 4 half-diagonal reels of 4 with corners.
25-32 1W with 2C, 1M with 3C dance reels of 3 across the set, 1C finishing in 2nd place on own sides.
33-40 All circle 6 hands round and back.

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© 2006 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society - Twin Cities Branch
Last updated 6 February 2006 | Branch Webmaster: Lara Friedman~Shedlov ldfs [at]