Grand Ball 2024

Join us on 13 April 2024 for our Post Eclipse Annual Grand Ball in the beautiful Guild Hall at Plymouth Congregational Church, featuring live music by Elizabeth Anderson (fiddle) and Susie Petrov (piano and accordion)

Please be aware of and prepared to comply with the RSCDS-Twin Cities Branch COVID-19 Safety Policy

Schedule | Program | Silent Auction | Musician Info

Tickets and Registration

Register and pay online or use this printable registration form to pay by check.
Register by April 1 if you wish to join us for dinner

Dinner and dancing — $70.00
Dinner and dancing (low income/student rate)* — $42.00
Dancing only (no dinner) — $40.00
Dinner only (listening & watching but no dancing) — $45.00
Listening & watching only (no dancing, no dinner) — $20.00

Sunday house concert following the brunch — $20.00 suggested

Dinner menu (tentative):
Choice of
– Chicken
– Salmon
– Portobello mushroom
– Vegan and/or gluten option available upon request
All meals include a potato leek soup, garden salad, garlic green beans, potatoes au gratin, and a cranachan dessert. Chicken, salmon, and portobello mushroom entrees are all served with a dill and chive cream sauce.

You are encouraged to bring your own water bottle to use during the dance so we can reduce the number of cups we use.

*We welcome everyone – if $42 is still too much, contact the Branch treasurer/registrar, Amber (registrar [at]


Extra ball practice: Thursday, 11 April 2024, 7:30pm at Hennepin Avenue United Methodist Church, 511 Groveland Ave, Minneapolis, MN 55403. Enter parking lot from Summit Ave (off the exit ramp from west-bound I-94), or Dell Place. Ball practice (walking only) will be in the art gallery.

1-2:30pmBall practice @ Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403
5:30pmDoors open @ Plymouth Congregational Church, 1900 Nicollet Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55403
7pmGrand march and dancing and silent auction
Following the ballAfter-glow party @ the home of Dan and Lara Friedman-Shedlov in Minneapolis
Please bring food to share
10:00amBrunch @ the home of Anna and Luke Snider in south Minneapolis
Please bring food to share
1:00pmConcert by Elizabeth Anderson and Susie Petrov @ the home of Anna and Luke Snider. Reserve a seat for the house concert only.

2024 Grand Ball Program

PDF/print-friendly instructions

Name Type Shape Publication
Collie LawJ322/4LGoldring Graded 1
Orpington CaledoniansR323/4LBrenchley: RSCDS XLIX
David's DelightS323/4LJohnstone: Dancing on Air
StarlightR323/4LAbdill: RSCDS XLIV
Lord Elgin's ReelS323/4LRSCDS XXVI
Postie's JigJ324/4LClowes: RSCDS 30 popular, Vol 2


Chased LoversJ323/4LWilson: RSCDS LIII
Out of Thin AirS323/3LPorter: RSCDS Graded 3
Toast to the MousiesR323/4LGratiot: RSCDS LIII
Ian Powrie's Farewell to AuchterarderJ1284SHamilton: RSCDS 30 popular, Vol 2
J. B. MilneR323/4LFoss: RSCDS 30 popular, Vol 2


A Trip to EgyptJ323/4LBoyd: Here we go
The Glasgow HighlandersS322/4LRSCDS II
Hedwig's ReelR323/4LPhillips: RSCDS Graded 2
Gothenburg's WelcomeJ323/4LMunro: RSCDS XXXVII
A Trip to TallinnS323/3LLingnau
Mairi's WeddingR403/4LCosh: 22 SCD

Silent Auction

We will hold a silent auction to benefit the ball and the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch. If you have an item or service to donate, please contact Anna Snider (alis.aquila [at]

About the Musicians

Elizabeth Anderson plays the fiddle and teaches around the greater Boston area where she lives. Since attending her first fiddle camp as a teenager, Elizabeth has been immersed in Scottish music and the community of musicians and dancers she has met through it. Through performing, she seeks to connect more deeply with Scottish traditional music, and through teaching, to share that connection with others.

Elizabeth is the 2020 U.S. National Scottish Fiddle Champion and the winner of the 2016 Perth All-Scotland Fiddle Championship. Elizabeth’s early training came through a combination of classical violin lessons and learning at fiddle workshops and camps. A formative moment came in the fall of 2016, when she spent a semester in Glasgow to study under fiddler Douglas Lawrence and experience the music culture of Scotland firsthand. She holds music education degrees from Berklee College of Music (B.M. 2017) and Ithaca College (M.M. 2022).

In the Scottish music and dance community, Elizabeth is a well known presence. Monday
nights will find her at Scottish dance class and Tuesday nights, at the local Scottish session. She is the director of Chauncy Fiddle Camp, a summer day camp for young fiddlers, which has been in operation since 2014. She is also a frequent staff member at camps and workshops such as Maine Fiddle Camp, Pinewoods Dance Camp, and the Boston Scottish Fiddle Club.

Elizabeth teaches orchestra full time in Walpole, MA, where she directs seven grade-level orchestras and teaches small group lessons. She also founded the extracurricular Walpole Pops Orchestra with the mission of bringing string music into the Walpole community. She has presented workshops on teaching fiddle music in the public school orchestra at the NAfME All Eastern Conference and in sessions throughout Massachusetts. With her brother, cellist Ben Anderson, she released the album Over the Isles in 2018. Finder her at

After finishing her piano studies at the Peabody Conservatory, Susie Petrov launched herself into her passion of researching, performing and teaching Scottish dance and music. Susie had the opportunity to teach young Scots through 1990’s as a tutor for the Feis na Gael summer music courses in the north and west of Scotland; in Golspie, on the islands of Lewis and Tiree. Here was a chance to combine her day job of music teacher with her night and summer work performing Scottish music! In 2000, Susie was a guest lecturer at the Royal Scottish Conservatoire in Glasgow.

Susie performs Scottish music for dances, formal Highland balls, dance camps, ceilidhs and concerts with several groups of colleagues and The Parcel of Rogues with Glenfiddich Fiddle Champion, Calum Pasqua. She met Peter Macfarlane at a gig at Cardiff Castle in Wales in the early 1990s and it has been her pleasure to play with him regularly since that first meeting long ago! Their collaboration has taken them throughout the northeast and occasionally beyond, including Ohio and Missouri. Susie has numerous recordings and two collections of Scottish music to her publication credit. Find her at: and on Facebook.