What is It?: |
"Fàilte" means welcome in Gaelic, and all Scottish dancers,
beginners and experienced, are most welcome*! The Fàilte Ball
is intended to be a gentle introduction to the ball scene for
newer dancers, and a fun night for all. Enjoy a scrumptious
dessert buffet, live music, and dancing in a semi-formal setting. All dances will have been taught at Monday night classes in October and November.
Never been to a ball before and not sure what to expect? Check out our
guide for the neophyte ball-goer and then
grab your ghillies and join us on the dance floor. *PLEASE NOTE: Although we consider this event to be "beginner-friendly," we do strongly recommend that dancers have some previous exposure to Scottish country dancing (a few classes at least) and familiarity with the terminology. Please contact us at info [at] rscds-twincities.org if you have any questions about your ability to participate. »Download 2012 Failte Ball Flyer/Registration Form (PDF) »Download print-friendly dance notes (PDF) [UPDATED 27 Nov 2012 -- correction to Reeling in the Annex] |
Place: | The Celtic Junction 836 Prior Avenue North, St. Paul, MN |
Doors Open at 6:30pm. Grand March at 7:00pm | |
Music: | Thistledown (Anne Benson, Sherry Ladig, Pat O'Loughlin, and Ken Steffenson) |
Tickets: |
$20.00 A discount of $5 is offered to students and those who are attending their first Scottish country dance ball. Tickets for non-dancers are $10 (includes dessert buffet and live music). To register, complete the registration form (PDF) To register, send a check made out to RSCDS Twin Cities Branch to to Tom Harries, 10520 Beard Avenue S, Bloomington, MN 55431, along with the name(s) of the attendees, type of ticket needed (regular, first-timer/student, or non-dancer) and contact information. Please also indicate whether you need hospitality. If you would like dance directions mailed to you, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. |
Accomodations: | We do our best to find hospitality for out-of-town guests.
Please contact Gail Fagerstrom, email: piperghf [at] yahoo.com . Indicate how many people, how many beds are needed, and any special needs.
Other Activities: |
For Further Information: | Contact the Ball Chair, Bill Brown: drbillbrown [at] hotmail.com |
»Download a PDF version of the dance instructions
Dashing White Sergeant | 32 R 3 facing 3 | RSCDS 3 |
Hooper's Jig | 32 J 3C | MMM |
Saint John River | 32 S 4C | Centennial Coll'n |
Provost Wynd | 32 R 3C | RSCDS Graded 2 |
Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel | 32 J 3C | RSCDS Graded |
Reeling in the Annex | 32 S 2C | Tang Leaflet |
Flowers of Edinburgh | 32 R 3C | RSCDS 1 |
Interval | ||
EH3 7AF | 32 J 3C | RSCDS 40 |
Mrs Schneider's Strathspey | 32 S 2C | Wee Hoose on the Prairie |
Bonnie Charlie | 32 R 4C | Blue Ribbon Coll'n |
I'll Mak' Ye Fain to Follow Me | 32 J 3C | RSCDS 6 |
Petronella | 32 R 2C | RSCDS 1 |
Hope Little's Strathspey | 32 S 3CS | Goldring/Graded & Social 2 |
Reel of the Royal Scots | 32 R 3C | RSCDS Leaflet |
Dashing White Sergeant | |
32 R, 3 dancers facing 3 dancers around the room space hereRSCDS 3 | |
1-8 | Six hands round and back |
9-12 | Middle person faces partner to the right. Set , then turn with both hands. |
13-16 | Middle person faces partner to the left. Set , then turn with both hands. |
17-24 | All dance left-shoulder reels of 3, beginning with the middle person facing partner to their right. |
25-32 | All advance and retire, then pass through the opposite line of three to face the next line of dancers around the circle. |
Hooper's Jig | |
8x32 J 3C | MMM II |
1-4 | All clap. 1C cross, passing right shoulders, and cast off one place. |
5-8 | 1C & 3C dance RH across. |
9-12 | All clap. 1C cross, passing right shoulders, and cast up one place. |
13-16 | 1C & 2C dance left hands across. |
17-18 | 1M & 3W change places giving RH. |
19-20 | 1W & 3M change places giving RH while 1M & 3W loop around to the right to face back in. |
21-22 | 3W & 1M change back giving RH while 1M & 3W loop around to the right to face back in. |
23-24 | 3M & 1W change back giving LEFT hands, 1W dancing to 2nd place while 1M casts off and 2C steps up. |
25-32 | 1C & 2C rights and lefts. |
Saint John River | |
4x32 S 4C | New Brunswick |
1-8 | 1W, followed by 1M, cast behind 2W, dance across the set and down behind 3M, across the set and down behind 4W. |
9-16 | 1C dance up under arch made by 4C, turn 1 1/2 with both hands, and dance up to original places under arch made by 2C. |
17-24 | 1C, followed by 2C, 3C, and 4C lead down the set. When 4C reach the top of the set, they cast off to own places followed by 3C, 2C, and 1C. |
25-32 | All dance back-to-back. 1C face down and chain down the sidelines, giving RH to 2C, LH to 3C and RH to 4C to end in 4th place. |
Provost Wynd | |
8x32 R 3C | RSCDS Graded 2 |
1-8 | Reels of 3 on the sides, 1C and 2C passing RS to begin. |
9-16 | 1M and 2W turn RH (4 bars); 1W and 2M turn LH. |
17-24 | 1C cross RH, cast off 2 places, cross LH and cast up one place. |
25-32 | 1C and 3C dance RH across; 1C and 2C dance LH across. |
Lady Catherine Bruce's Reel | |
8x32 J 2C | RSCDS Graded |
1-8 | 1C lead down the middle and up, finishing ready for an allemande. |
9-16 | 1C & 2C allemande. |
17-24 | 1C dance a figure of eight round 2C |
25-32 | 1C & 2C four hands round and back. |
Reeling in the Annex | |
8x32 S 2C | S. Tang Leaflet |
1-8 | 1C dance towards each other and cast off behind own lines for 4 bars, cast back up to place |
9-12 | 1C, 2C circle 4 hands round to the left |
13-16 | 2C steps up as 1C turn BH; all set in a line of 4, 1C advancing to pass each other LS |
17-24 | Reel of 4 across |
25-28 | All set to the person they are facing; mirror turns, RH on women's side, LH on men's side to finish finish 1C in 2nd place |
29-32 | 1C half a figure of 8 up around 2C |
Flowers of Edinburgh | |
8x32 R 2C | RSCDS 1 |
1-8 | 1W, followed by 1M CAST DOWN behind 2W and 3W; 1W crosses and casts up behind 3M and 2M while 1M dances up the middle, both finishing in partner's place (6 bars); 1C set |
9-16 | REPEAT bars 1-8 with 1M leading the cast and 1W dancing up the middle to finish in original places. |
25-32 | 1C and 2C POUSSETTE. |
EH3 7AF | |
8x32 J 3C | RSCDS 40 |
1-8 | 1C lead down the middle & up. 1C, 2C, 3C finish in the center of the set ready for . . . |
9-16 | 3-couple promenade, 1C casting to 2nd place and 2C finishing in 1st place. |
17-24 | 1C pass RS, turn 1st corners RH to finish 1W between 2C, 1M between 3C. 1C pass RS, turn 2nd corners RH and finish in 2nd place on partner's side. |
25-28 | 1M with 2C, 1W with 3C dance RH across. |
29-32 | 1C dance half figures of 8, 1W dancing up between 2C, 1M down between 3C, to finish on own sides in 2nd place. |
Mrs Schneider's Strathspey | |
8x32 S 2C | Wee Hoose on the Prairie |
1-8 | 1M and 2W advance for 2 bars, retire for 2 bars, change places RH for
2 bars, and rest for 2 bars while 1W and 2M rest for 2 bars, advance for two bars, retire for 2 bars, and change places RH, retaining hands for . . . |
9-16 | 2C and 1C right hands across and left hands back. |
17-20 | 1C dance half a figure of eight up around 2C. |
21-24 | 2C dance half a figure of eight down around 1C. |
25-32 | 2C and 1C circle 4 hands round to the left and back. |
Bonnie Charlie | |
8x32 R 4C set | Blue Ribbon Collection |
1-8 | 1C with 2C, 3C with 4C, circle four hands round and back. |
9-16 | 1C in promenade hold (man on the right) , dance down the middle and up behind the men's line. End in original places facing down. |
17-24 | All dance reels of 4 on the sides. |
25-28 | 1C cross RH (2 bars). 1M dance down behind women's line while 1W dances down behind men's line to end in 4th place on opposite sides. |
29-32 | 1C turn RH 1 1/2 to own sides. |
I'll Mak Ye Fain to Follow Me | |
8x32 J 3C | RSCDS 6 |
1-4 | 1W casts off two places on her own side, followed by 1M to finish on opposite sides below 3C. |
5-8 | 1M casts up behind 3W and 2W, followed by 1W, and back to places at the top. |
9-12 | 1C cross RH and cast to 2nd place. 2C step up. |
13-16 | 1C cross LH and cast to 3rd place, then lead up to finish facing 1st corners. |
17-24 | 1C set to and turn corners. |
25-32 | 1C dance six-bar reels of 3 on the sides with corners, giving left shoulder to 1st corner to begin. 1C cross RH to own sides on bars 31-32. |
Petronella | |
8x32 R 2C | RSCDS 1 |
1-16 | 1C dance the petronella figure to finish in original places (i.e. turn right about moving 1/4 around a diamond, then set; repeat 3x). |
17-24 | 1C down the middle and up. |
25-32 | 1C and 2C poussette. |
Hope Little's Strathspey | |
3x32 S 3C | Goldring/Graded & Social 2 |
1-4 | 1C and 2C RH across, 1W finishing facing out. |
5-8 | 1W, followed by partner, dance behind women's side and below 3C to finish on partner's side (2C and 3C stepping up on bars 7-8). |
9-16 | All dance a grand chain (2C crossing to begin). |
17-24 | 1C set, turn BH halfway and face up; dance to top and cast off to 3rd place. |
25-32 | All circle six hands round and back. |
Reel of the Royal Scots | |
8x32 R 3C | RSCDS Leaflet |
1-4 | 1W and 2W giving LH, 1M and 2M giving RH, turn 1C to 2nd place, back-to-back in the middle of the set. Taking hands as if for double triangles, 2C, 1C, 3C set. |
5-8 | 1C retain hands with 3C and turn them into the middle to switch places with them. Taking hands as if for double triangles, 2C, 3C, 1C set. |
9-16 | 1C, followed by 3C, dance up between the top couple, cast off one place, dance down below 3C's position and cast up, ending in the order 2C, 1C, 3C. |
17-24 | 1C turn RH with 1st corners, pass each other RS, turn RH with 2nd corners, and pass RS to own sides in 2nd place. |
29-32 | 2C, 1C, 3C circle six hands round to the left and back. |
© 1999-2012 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society - Twin Cities
Last updated 27 November 2012 | webmaster [at] rscds-twincities.org