RSCDS - Twin Cities Branch 11th Annual Fàilte Ball

Saturday, 1 December 2007

Previous Fàilte Balls: 1999 | 2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006
What is It?: "Fàilte" means welcome in Gaelic, and all Scottish dancers, beginners and experienced, are most welcome! The Fàilte Ball is intended to be a gentle introduction to the ball scene for newer dancers, and a fun night for all. Enjoy a scrumptious dessert buffet, live music, and dancing in a semi-formal setting. Never been to a ball before and not sure what to expect? Check out our guide for the neophyte ball-goer and then grab your ghillies and join us on the dance floor.

Place: Barton Open School
4237 Colfax Avenue South, Minneapolis
(on Colfax Avenue between 42nd and 43rd Street)
 Doors Open at 6:30pm. Grand March at 7:00pm
Music: Thistledown (Anne Benson, Sherry Ladig, Pat O'Loughlin, and Ken Steffenson)
Tickets: $18.00
A discount of $5 is offered to students and those who are attending their first Scottish country dance ball.
Tickets for non-dancers are $6 (includes dessert buffet and live music).
To register, just send a check made out to RSCDS Twin Cities Branch along with your name, address, phone number, and email address to Carol Mordorski, 2241 Dellwood Ave, Roseville, MN 55113.
Please also indicate whether you need hospitality and if so, contact the hospitality coordinator (see below). If you would like dance directions mailed to you, please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope.
Accomodations: Hospitality is available for out-of-town guests. Please contact Jami Young (jami_young [at] Indicate how many people, how many beds are needed, and any special needs.
Other Activities:
  • There will be a ball practice (dance-through of selected dances from the program) from 7:30 to 10pm on Friday, November 30, at Olivet Congregational Church in St. Paul.
  • There be a ball practice (walk-through of the entire program) from 1pm to 3pm on Saturday, December 1, at Tapestry Folkdance Center in Minneapolis
  • There will be a potluck"after-glow" party, at the home of Hannah Wells. Directions will be available at the ball.
For Further Information: Contact the Ball Chair, Carol Mordorski: cjmordorski [at]


»Download a PDF version of the dance instructions

Gay Gordons 16 M  
Lady Wynd 32 J 3C Goldring/Graded & Social 2
Scottish Reform 32 J 2C RSCDS 3
Fair Donald 32 S 3C RSCDS 29
The Piper and the Penguin 88 R 4Csq Goldring/Scotia Suite
Trip to Sucker Bay 32 J 3C Burnham/Fare Thee Weel
Lady Glasgow 32 S 3C MMM I
Ballater Reel 32 R 2C Trew/Let's All Dance
Dashing White Sgt 32 R 3face3 RSCDS 1
Lady Auckland's Reel 32 S 2C RSCDS 18
Argyll's Fancy 48 J 4C RSCDS Graded
Flowers of Edinburgh 32 R 3C RSCDS 1
Dalkeith's Strathspey 32 S 3C RSCDS 9
Catch the Wind 32 H RSCDS 45

Gay Gordons
16 March (couple dance)
1-4 In allemande hold, walk forward four steps CCW around the circle. Turn and face the other direction and walk backwards (CCW)four steps.
5-8 Repeat bars 1-4 going CW.
9-12 Woman turns under the man’s arm while the couple continues to move around the circle.
13-16 Polka, moving around the circle.

The Lady Wynd
8x32 J 3C Goldring/Graded & Soc. 2
1-4 1C cast to 2nd place, dancing towards each other to begin.
5-8 All turn partners RH ending in the middle ready for . . .
9-16 3-couple promenade
17-24 1C dance a fig of 8 on own sides passing dancer on right RS to begin
25-32 1W with 2C and also 1M with 3C dance RH across. 1C pass RS to dance LH across with other couple

Scottish Reform
8x32 J 2C RSCDS 3
1-4 1C cross RH, moving down between 2C. Give LH to 2C to form a line across and balance.
5-8 1C drop hands and turn 2C LH to put 2C in the middle and balance.
9-12 Turn LH to put 1C back in the middle and balance.
13-16 1C turn halfway RH and curve back into place.
17-24 1C down the middle and up.
25-32 1C and 2C poussette.

Fair Donald
8x32 S 2C RSCDS 29
1-4 1C dance down between 2C and cast up to place
5-8 1C dance down between 3C and CAST UP to face 1st corners (2C step up on bars 7-8).
9-16 1C dance a reel of 4 with 1st corners and pass LS into
17-24 1C dance a reel of 4 with 2nd corners to end between 2C facing up with nearer hands joined
25-28 1C cast to 2nd place. 2C, 1C, 3C set on the sides.
29-32 All turn partners BH.

The Piper and the Penguin
88 R 4Csq Scotia Suite
1-8 Ladies dance round their corners by RS and then dance RH across, ending in center
9-16 Ladies dance LS round their partners, then dance LH across in the center and finish back in original places
17-24 Men dance round their partners by RS and then dance RH across, ending in center
25-32 Men dance LS round their corners, then dance LH across in the center and finish back in original places
33-40 1C and 3C turn partners RH 1 1/4 times. Men followed by partners dance out between side couples and back to places (1M thru 4C & 3M thru 2C)
40-48 1C and 3C dance Rights and Lefts
49-64 2C and 4C repeat bars 33-48, dancing out between 1C and 3C on bars 53-56.
65-72 Ladies dance in, turn over RS and dance out, then cast CW to opposite lady's place
73-80 Men dance in, turn over LS and dance out, then cast CCW to opposite man's place
81-88 All turn partners RH into promenade hold and Promenade 1/2 way round to original places.

Trip to Sucker Bay
8x32 J 3C Fare Thee Weel
1-4 1C, 2C, & 3C advance and retire.
5-8 All cross giving RH to partner (2 bars) and chase CW 1/4 of the way around to form two lines of 3 across the set, men facing up, women facing down.
9-16 Repeat bars 1-8, but cross LH and chasing CCW to original places.
17-24 All dance 6 hand round and back.
25-32 1C dance a half figure of 8 around 2C (4 bars), then cross RH and cast one place (or to the bottom of the set).

Lady Glasgow
8x32 S 3C MMM I
1-8 1C, 2C, & 3C set and cross RH, set and cross back, staying in the middle for
9-16 3-couple promenade
17-24 1C set, cast to 2nd place, and dance back-to-back.
25-32 All dance 6 hand round and back.

Ballater Reel
8x32 R 2C Trew/Let's All Dance
1-8 1C lead down the middle and up staying in the middle for
9-16 1C and 2C allemande
17-24 1C and 2C dance rights and lefts.
25-32 1C dance a fig of 8 up around 2C.

Dashing White Sergeant
32 R, 3 dancers facing 3 dancers around the room space hereRSCDS 3
1-8 Six hands round and back
9-12 Middle person faces partner to the right. Set , then turn with both hands.
13-16 Middle person faces partner to the left. Set , then turn with both hands.
17-24 All dance left-shoulder reels of 3, beginning with the middle person facing partner to their right.
25-32 All advance and retire, then pass through the opposite line of three to face the next line of dancers around the circle.

Lady Auckland's Reel
6x32 S 2C RSCDS 18
1-4 1W and 2W dance between 1M and 2M, cast round own partners and dance back to own sides.
5-8 1W and 2W turn each other BH to face partners; turn partners BH.
9-16 1M and 2M repeat bars 1-8.
17-24 1C lead down the middle and up.
25-32 1C and 2C allemande.

Argyll's Fancy
4x48 J 4C RSCDS Graded
1-8 1C and 2C circle 4 hand round and back.
9-16 1C lead down crossing over, cast down behind 3C; cross and cast to bottom.
17-24 1C cross up betwween 4C, cast up behind 3C; cross and cast back to top.
25-32 1C and 2C rights and lefts
33-36 1C and 2C RH across halfway and set.
37-40 1C and 3C LH across halfway and set.
41-44 1C and 4C RH across halfway and all set.
45-48 All turn RH 1 1/2.

Flowers of Edinburgh
8x32 R 2C RSCDS 1
1-8 1W, followed by 1M CAST DOWN behind 2W and 3W; 1W crosses and casts up behind 3M and 2M while 1M dances up the middle, both finishing in partner's place (6 bars); 1C set
9-16 REPEAT bars 1-8 with 1M leading the cast and 1W dancing up the middle to finish in original places.
25-32 1C and 2C POUSSETTE.

Dalkeith's Strathspey
8x32 S 3C RSCDS 9
1-4 1C with NHJ, set to 2W and dance 3 hands around to the left with her. Finish facing 2M.
5-8 repeat bars 1-4 with 2M..
9-16 1C down the middle and up, finishing back-to-back in the middle of the set facing 2C (2C step up on 11-12).
17-24 2C and 1C reel of 4 across the top of the set. 1C finish facing 1st corner
25-32 1C turn CPCP, finishing in 2nd place on own sides.

Catch the Wind
8x32 H 3C RSCDS 45
1-8 1C set, cast to 2nd place, and dance half a figure of 8 around the 2C (2C step up on bars 3-4).
9-12 1C set twice, 1W turning to face out on the last two pas de basques.
12-16 1W, followed by her partner, casts up & dances down middle to finish between 3C facing 3M, while 1M finishes between 2C facing 2M.
17-24 1W with 2C and 1M with 3C dance RS reels of 3 across the set.
25-28 1W, followed by her partner, casts up behind 3M & crosses to own side (1M dances down middle & casts up to finish on his own side).
29-32 1C turn RH.

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© 2007 Royal Scottish Country Dance Society - Twin Cities Branch

Last updated 13 November 2007 | Branch Webmaster: Lara Friedman~Shedlov lfriedmanshedlov [at]