The Flowers of Shakopee

or The King’s Delight

32-bar jig (can also be a walking dance) couple facing couple in a circle

1-8RH across and LH back.
9-16Circle four hands round to the left and back.
17-24Taking nearer hands with opposite, dance in towards the center, heuching as dancers get closer to the center. Turn and retake nearer hands with opposite, dance out to place.
25-32Taking nearer hands with partner, advance for two and retire for two. Advance for two, drop hands, and pass opposite by the right shoulder.

The dance was created for audience participation at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. Usually, the dance has a piper at the center of the circle, and the heuching is intended to impress the piper.

Devised by Roberta Williams. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances.