32-bar jig (can also be a walking dance) couple facing couple in a circle
RH across and LH back.
Circle four hands round to the left and back.
Taking nearer hands with opposite, dance in towards the center, heuching as dancers get closer to the center. Turn and retake nearer hands with opposite, dance out to place.
Taking nearer hands with partner, advance for two and retire for two. Advance for two, drop hands, and pass opposite by the right shoulder.
The dance was created for audience participation at the Minnesota Renaissance Festival. Usually, the dance has a piper at the center of the circle, and the heuching is intended to impress the piper.
Devised by Roberta Williams. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances.
All men petronella into center to face their partners.
Men turn partners half way to change places.
Women petronella half way around the set to face opposite man.
1M and 3W, 3M and 1W, turn by the right half way to end in a line across the set, ready for a reel of four. Meanwhile, 2M gives right hand to 4W, helping her to set into place beside him; 4M helps 2W.
1C and 3C dance a reel of four; 1W and 3W finish in the positions from which they started the reel.
1M continue to the right around the woman to end in place next to her; 3M dance the same. Meanwhile, 2M and 4M cast over right shoulders and dance one place to the left.
Women cast over right shoulders and dance one place to the right.
2C and 4C circle dance rights and lefts.
1C and 3C dance half a ladies chain.
2C and 4C dance half a ladies chain.
Devised by Dan Grundtner. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances.
32-bar reel for 4 couples in a 4-couple longwise set
1C with 2C, 3C with 4C, circle 4 hands round and back.
1C promenade down the middle of the set and up behind the men’s line. End in original places, facing down to flow into
Reels of 4 on the sides.
1C cross RH and cast to the bottom (2C, 3C, 4C step up on 27-28).
1C, now in 4th place, turn RH 1 1/2 to own sides.
Devised by Ed Stern to teach reels of 4. The title refers to Bonnie Prince Charlie. Published in 1985 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in The Blue Ribbon Collection.
32-bar jig for 2 couples in a 4-couple longwise set
1C and 3C set and cross RH.
Half reels of 3 on the sides, 1W giving LS to 2M, 1M giving RS to 2W to start. 1C and 3C dance short way into place.
1C and 3C set and cross RH back to own sides.
Half reels of 3 on the sides, 1W giving LS to 2W, 1M giving RS to 2M to start (3C end in place).
Continuing from the reel, 1C cast off 1 place while 2C dance up to 1st position.
1C lead down between 3C, cross over, cast up around 3C, and cross passing RS to finish back-to-back in the middle ready for. . .
Double triangles
Devised by Roberta Williams as a farewell to Dr. William (Bill) Young, founder of the Twin Cities Branch, on his leaving for Australia. Published in 1985 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in The Blue Ribbon Collection.
Women dance back-to-back on the diagonal while the men dance clockwise round the outside of the set halfway.
Both couples dance right hands across once around.
Men dance back-to-back on the diagonal while the women dance clockwise around outside of the set halfway.
Both couples dance right hands across once around (dancing couples have changed places, men with partner at right).
With partner, both couples dance back-to-back.
Both couples set to partner once advancing, turn partner halfway with both hands, setting opening up to face a new couple to repeat the dance (men release women’s right hands out of their left).
Devised by Ron Wallace with grateful acknowledgement to Joycelyn Hamilton. Published in 1985 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in The Blue Ribbon Collection.
40-bar reel for 3 couples in a 4-couple longwise set
1C cross and cast off two places to meet below 3C (2C step up on bars 3-4).
1C turn LH ~1 3/4, moving up the center of the set to face 1st corners.
1C turn corner partner corner partner, finishing in 2nd place on own sides.
1C set and turn RH 3/4 while 2C and 3C cross RH and set to partners.
1C repeat bars 17-20 to finish in 2nd place on opposite sides, facing out, while 2C and 3C change places on the sides and set.
1C cast to their right around 1st corner position, cross LH up and down the middle of the set, cast to their left around partner’s first corner position, and turn LH to face partner’s 1st corner position while 2C and 3C dance rights and lefts.
1C dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 1st corners, pass each other right shoulders, and dance a half diagonal reel of 4 with 2nd corners, finishing in 2nd place on own sides.
Devised by Niles Roberts. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances.
32-bar jig for 2 couples in a 4-couple longwise set
1C and 2C set advancing to the center of the set, giving right shoulder to partner, to form a line of four up and down the set. Balance in line and dance a half a reel of four, giving right shoulder to partner to begin.
All turn RH 1/2 to reform the line and balance in line. Dance a half a reel of four and finish in the center of the set, ready to dance clockwise through own place.
1C and 2C chase clockwise two places around the circle of four (4 bars) to progressed places on partner’s side. Advance and quickly turn BH with partner halfway to change places (as in “Trip to Bavaria”) and retire.
2C and 1C circle to the left and back.
Devised by Roberta Williams. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances.
32-bar reel for 3 couples in a 4-couple longwise set
1C set, turn BH once around, and cast down one place (2C step up on bars 5-6). All three couples set.
Left-shoulder reels of three across the set, 1W with 2C, 1M with 3C. 1C finish facing first corners.
1C dance a half diagonal reel of four with first corners, pass each other by left-shoulder, and dance a half diagonal reel of four with second corners. 1C finish in 2nd place on opposite sides.
1C cross RH and cast to the right around the corner person to finish between the ends, facing partner up and down. Meanwhile 3C and 2C set and cross RH.
1C cross RH up and down the set and cast to the right around the corner person to finish on own sides in 2nd place. Meanwhile 3C and 2C set facing up and down and change places RH on the sides.
Devised by Kate Kok [now Kate Southwick] for Emily Foreman, who married Steve Rosenmeier and moved from Minneapolis to the island of Samso, off Jutland. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances. NOTE: The original dance was originally printed with an error in bars 25-28, which has been corrected in this online version.