Scottish Country Dance Mini-Course

Looking for a quick introduction to SCD or a review of the basics? The Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Twin Cities Branch is offering a 4-week mini introductory course on Scottish country dancing. Come join us!

When to Come: Monday nights, January 27 through February 17, 2025, 7:30pm-9pm.

Where to Go: Tapestry Folkdance Center 

What it Costs: The whole series costs just $20 ($15 for Tapestry members, free to members of RSCDS Twin Cities Branch).

Who is Teaching: Dan Friedman-Shedlov

What to Wear: Comfortable clothing and clean, soft-soled shoes (no heels, please). Ballet-type slippers or “jazz shoes” are ideal of you have them, but even sneakers will work to start off with. To protect Tapestry’s floors, please do not dance in the shoes you wore outdoors.

What to Expect:
Scottish country dancing is the traditional ballroom dancing of Scotland, usually in sets of three to four couples. Although dances are done with a partner, you don’t need to come with one. Either way, the convention in Scottish country dancing is to change partners for each dance, so if you do bring someone, be prepared to share ;-). During the 4-week course, you will be introduced to the basic steps and formations used in Scottish country dancing and learn a number of easy and “classic” dances. [More about Scottish country dancing]

Note: In our classes, we typically use non-gendered terminology by default. Please do not hesitate to ask for clarification or explanation if anything is unclear or unfamiliar.

How to Sign Up: Please sign up online in advance if possible (it is helpful for us to know how many to expect). Fees can be paid on the first night. Attendance at all four weeks is strongly recommended.

PLEASE NOTE: This class is primarily intended for adults and teens. Children may attend with a participating parent or guardian with approval from the class teacher (contact us at to discuss).

Questions?: Send email to info [at]

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