Performance Repertoire 2024-2025


Name Type Shape Publication Video

3-couple QT act

Andrew and Gordon's Jig J32 4/4L Goldring Graded 2 video
Domino Five R32 5pS Haynes: RSCDS Graded 2 video
The Four Leaf Clover J32 3/4L Boyd: Shortcut to Happiness video

2-couple act

Talisker* J32 2/4L Eddershaw: Island Clan video
My Jo S32 2/4L Goldring: 15 soc video
Abby's Reel R32 2/4L Lieberman: Iowa 25th  

3-couple MT act

Penannular R32 3/4L Hughes: The Clifton Collection  
Marianna's Strathspey S32 3/4L Kelly: Jennifer's Dances video
The Wind Dragon** R32 3/4L Boyd: Island Bay 2  

Interval dance

Wandering Dreams 

S32+R32 2/2L Glasspool/Friedman-Shedlov video

*Changed to a jig (originally a reel) for performance purposes
**Changes have been made to the original dance for performance purposes