Mid-Autumn Social 2023

Name Type Shape Publication Video
Alyth Promenade J32 3/4L (unknown)  
Gramachie S32 3/4L MMM  
Mardi Gras Minnesota R32 2/4L Schneider: Wee Hoose on the Prairie  
The Ruby Celebration Strathspey S32 3/3L Thorn  
Ecclefechan Feline J32 3/4L McMurtry: Petit Chat  


Kendall's Hornpipe J32 2/4L RSCDS Graded  
Kilt Swing R32 3/4L Berg Gray  
A Trip to Tallinn S32 3/3L Lingnau  
The Deil amang the Tailors R32 3/4L RSCDS XIV