The Beaten Path

32-bar strathspey for 2 couples in a longwise set

1-81C and 2C dance RH across and LH back.
9-161C dance a full figure of eight around the standing 2C.
17-241C lead down the middle followed by 2C. 2C divide and follow 1C back up to place, all staying in the middle of the set.
25-321C and 2C dance an allemande.

Devised by Doug Schneider. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances.

Kettle River

32-bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

1-41C set and cast down one place. 2C step up on bars 3-4.
5-81C turn BH about 1 3/4 and turn away from each other to face first corners.
9-161C set to first corners and turn them with BH once around, ending facing second corners. Set to second corners and turn them with BH once around.
17-201C circle three hands round to the left with both corners. On bar 20, 1C pull right shoulders back to face each other across the center of the set.
21-241C turn BH around once in the middle of the set and then set advancing to pass left shoulders and end back-to-back, facing partner’s corners.
25-281C circle three hands round to the left with partner’s corners. On bar 28, 1C pull right shoulders back to face each other across the center of the set.
29-321C turn BH once around and then pull riguth shoulders back and curve into second place on own sides.

Suggested Music: “Kettle River Strathspey,” by Sherry Wohlers Ladig (published with the dance in New Friends)

Devised by Lara Friedman-Shedlov, 1998, to evoke the swirling motion of the Kettle River, near Sandstone, Minnesota. Published by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in New Friends.

Ebb and Flow

32-bar strathspey for 3 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

1-81C cast to 2nd place (2C step up). 1C turn RH 1 1/2 times to opposite sides.
9-16RS reels of 3 on the sides: 1W with men 1M with women. 1C pass first corner by RS to begin
17-202C & 3C right hands across. Meanwhile 1C dance around 1st corner positions, passing by RS to end 1W between 2C facing down and 1M between 3C facing up.
21-241C, 2C, 3C advance for one step, retire for one step, and set
25-282C & 3C LH across. Meanwhile 1C cast pulling RS back to end in 2nd place on own sides of dance.
29-321C, 2C, 3C advance for one step, retire for one step, and set.

Devised by Kate Kok, 1999. Published by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in New Friends.