The Garland

32-bar jig for 2 couples in a 4-couple longwise set

1-81C and 2C set advancing to the center of the set, giving right shoulder to partner, to form a line of four up and down the set. Balance in line and dance a half a reel of four, giving right shoulder to partner to begin.
9-16All turn RH 1/2 to reform the line and balance in line. Dance a half a reel of four and finish in the center of the set, ready to dance clockwise through own place.
17-241C and 2C chase clockwise two places around the circle of four (4 bars) to progressed places on partner’s side. Advance and quickly turn BH with partner halfway to change places (as in “Trip to Bavaria”) and retire.
25-322C and 1C circle to the left and back.

Devised by Roberta Williams. Published in 1995 by the RSCDS Twin Cities Branch in 20 Years 20 Dances.